First off I just realized I haven't thanked vrt in this thread. I thanked him in chat for what is obviously a tremendous improvement in the art. The original art is a clock in my stairwell taken with a camera phone while I shook my hand. An artist I am not.
Ok, we have awesome art by VRT assumingly offered to Zanz for free use.
We have a great idea accepted by the community enough to make the armoury.
How do we turn this into a perfect idea Zanz will want to port into the game?
Objectives -
Reduce the card text
Proove Maths wise that is fair
Show that it can be implemented in the game without variables or coding issues.
It's a noble goal. I'll do my part but it'll need help.
Regardless, this idea is still one of the best from the community.
Thanks! Given the amount of really good and interesting ideas pouring into the Crucible daily, your words are very kind.
Still Zanz took Phoenix and the idea of Voodoo Doll but no Armory idea yet.
There is no guarantee that he ever will, but I have great feeling if he did.
If zanz were to regularly check the Armory and at least once adopt a card from here... well it'd at least partly validate the work done by all here and the process of moving community approved cards to another tier.
" : Maintenance
Tick gains +0/+1.
Tick is poisoned & deals 2*N
damage to opponent when killed.
N = turns in play."
I'm afraid that sounds like the Maintenance ability poisons Tick. I'm obviously partial to the original text, but I just saw that there are currently no cards with over four lines of text. So how about this instead:
: Maintenance (+0/+1)
Tick enters poisoned. Damages
opponent for twice the number
of turns in play when killed.