I didnt read all the thread, but a good part of it. Also though it was OP in the beggining, but now I see it as an option, and a way to make the game richer.
- Name: I also dislike "Wings". Something like Levitation Shield would be better (although I agree that "Hope" is the stupidest shield name ever). Like "Wings" it would be really more connected to a normal permanent slot, than the shield slot.
- Shield slot: I would even think its a good thing making it a normal permanent (because Steal wouldnt replace your shield by this), but this + another shield would be a very solid defense, so, not possible. Unless its something like: "pay 6

: until your next turn, only airborne creatures can attack you..."
- Airborne: I dont think it should be a passive skill. Dunno how I would say it in English, but to me it would be more alike to a specific location, or a "base field" the creature is in the battlefield. Adding it as a location would allow all creatures to mantain their passive skills. I am also thinking about some other "locations" we can have speficic cards to affect in the future: ground, underground (burrowed creatures), water (aquatic creatures, from all elements, not only Water), and "another plane that I still dont have a good name to" (immortal creatures).
- Ranged weapons: I think creating types of weapons really unnecessary. There is already the point of you being not able to use your non-ranged weapon while using Wings. And in fact, the most benefit of you allowing all weapons to get past of it, is to allow all decks having an even slightly chance of winning against it.
Im seriously wanting to discuss some points. What you guys say about:
1) making it a normal permanent with an expensive (or not so expensive, according to the balance) skill? Even why you need to use some of your "energy" to fly using your Wings, however you can sometimes decide not use it (its like the hourglass, for example). Otherwise, like said, if its more a passive fly, I think a Levitation Shield would fit better.
2) making the airborne passive skill a type of base field we can most easily to create another cards to affect later?
3) allowing all weapons being able to hit through Wings?