Antimatter capability on a creature that is immune to damage. THe creature is quicker to deploy and a cheaper activation allows you to remove critical targets and continue to reduce below zero attack. Just keep using it on a creature thye can't clear themselves and you win, if they clear their own creature, your ahead.
I assumed that it wouldn't go below 0.
The creature isn't quicker to deploy. Antimatter costs 6 entropy. This costs 5 light, and then you have to wait a turn to use the ability, and then you have to pay 2 more light to use the ability, bringing the cost higher for the first use.
Maybe the hp not being able to be reduced is a little bit OP, but to preserve the synergy you could make it so "any effect that will not kill Zenith will not deal any damage". That will open up more options for control.
Nadir does not require additional cards to get multiple copies and allows you 6 copies of the effect in 6 cards, the eagle requires 12 just to match the basic nadir. Also Nadir is a candidate for Fractal. Eagle is not.
A better question is: Why would you fractal it? I would like to see a good deck that fractals it to good use. I mean, that 2

every turn isn't a small amount with lots of them out, and even then they're easy to control with a measly 2 health.
The fact that you can have 6 copies for 6 cards and doesn't need additional cards for multiple copies is the reason why I think it is well balanced. It is no where near as good as creature control, damage, or health as eagle eye (perms are harder to deal with than 2 health creatures), but you can get them out a bit easier.
The cards are more effective as opponent control than in any way with each other.
No they aren't. Zenith maybe. But Nadir? You just buffed any creature with over three health. With a 3/7 creature, you would make it 6/4, then 9/1 before you killed it. It would take 6 turns normally to deal the damage you just let it do in 3 turns. Darkness has much better ways to control creatures rather than nadir.
AI5 and AI6 will run you dry regardless of deck type. So eternity is essential. Until another deckout counter comes along, you can't risk eternity.
AI5 can easily be won with normal pvp decks. That don't require any deck out counter at all. FGs, yes if you're running a rainbow.
But you're forgetting T50, where you don't need the eternity either.
And for pvp, you could make some pretty good decks with the radiated goo (it may need a small cost decrease though).
Well, there is more synergy than name, Both use inverted elements so the quanta structure favours using them together rather than apart. They have hi/low play ranges so that while you are while on the defensive with rook and using the earth quanta to deploy it will build to later pay for the Ruhks ability. Also in the inverse for ruhk, while it is attacking it is stockpiling your air quanta.
By the gist of that logic, any two cards that use the same two elements synergize. I know that's over-simplifying it, but that's the gist of what you're saying.
Anyway, this is how it would really work out:
-You would play Rook (lowest cost).
-You would start saving air quanta for Ruhk.
-Opponent would start playing creatures.
-You're forced to use sniper ability.
-You take too long to build up air quanta due to using sniper to play the Ruhk.
-Opponent keeps playing creatures (it's a common speedbow

-You lose.
Basically, the rook using air to fuel it's ability doesn't ADD to the synergy with Ruhk. It just makes it harder to play. The Ruhk's ability isn't so bad since both Rook and the ability are cheap.
Thinking about it, 16/8 for 16 air isn't bad. But 16/8 with an ability that does damage and could potentially be even harder to control is. Which is why I suggest making it cost 17 or 18 air.