This is a good idea. I just hope that it will be available every day or every whatever-period and not be timer-based. By that I mean I do not want there to be a 24 hour (or whatever period) timer once we visit the oracle.
So, just to clarify this to myself and everyone else, you're suggesting that once a day, as in, upon midnight, when the date changes from Monday to Tuesday, for example, we can visit the Oracle?
An example would be that if I visit the Oracle at 11:59pm on Monday, I can then visit her again one minute later, but then I'd have to wait at least until the next Midnight to visit it again, right?
And likewise, you're opposed to there being a timer system (such as the 24-hour timer), such as if I were to visit the Oracle at 10:27am, I'd have to wait until 10:27am the following day to visit it again?
I'm pretty sure that's what you meant, but correct me if I'm wrong.