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Messages - dramore (404)

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Card Ideas and Art / Re: Harpy | Elite Harpy
« on: January 29, 2011, 07:09:32 am »
Not to be a bother but you might need a name change as there is already a card in the forge with the same name.,17918.0.html

Series / Re: Dramore's Cards
« on: January 29, 2011, 06:57:45 am »
Reserved(just in case)

Series / Dramore's Cards
« on: January 29, 2011, 06:56:43 am »
This is just a listing of all the cards I've come up with sence joining the forum and a location to keep track of my ideas. Please feel free to look at any idea here and any that are in an archive are fair game to steal and revamp. Also any that are marked (Quit) also feel free to steal and rework. thanks

Quantum Flux Genarator | Quantum Flux Compastur(Quit) (,9215.0.html)
Graviton Spellcaller | Graviton Spellbender  (,9297.0.html)
Infected Zombie | Infectious Zombie(Archive) (,9373.0.html)
Green Glade Bee Hive | Green Glade Hornet Hive(Archive) (,9456.0.html)
Elder Brain Mole | Young Brain Mole(Archive) (,9527.0.html)
Unicorn | Unicorn (,9565.0.html)
Chaotic Monkey Fighter | Chaotic Monkey Master(Quit) (,9682.0.html)
Elemantal Runes(Series) (,10346.0.html)
Shard | Shard of Meekness(Archive) (,11501.0.html)
Hydro Lord | Hydro Lord(Quit) (,12199.0.html)
Dark Summoning/Dark Summoning,Devil Lord/Devil Lord,Dark Minon/Dark Minon(Quit) (,12271.0.html)
Parasitic Starfish | Parasitic Starfish (,18980.0.html)
Symbiotic Starfish | Parasitic Starfish (,18980.0.html)Ability Jammer / Ability Jammer (,19637.0.html)
Extinction Level Event | Extinction Level Event (,20031.0.html)
Murphy | Evil God Murphy (,20232.0.html)
Null Wave | Null Wave (,20426.0.html)
Rebound Shield|Rebound Shield (,20535.0.html)
Ophiotaurus | Ophiotaurus (,21674.0.html)
Sulfurlous Balloon | Sulfurlous Balloon (,22752.0.html)

Crucible Archive / Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
« on: January 29, 2011, 04:05:44 am »
@ rohlfo and OldTrees     Cool thanks guys and all I can say is. Ouch Ouch Ouch my hand is so cramping after 156 frames!!
                                        I got to find a better way to animate. Also I'm glad Y'all like the art.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Sylph | Eva, Sylph | Ria
« on: January 29, 2011, 03:49:03 am »
LOL cool

Crucible Archive / Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
« on: January 29, 2011, 03:12:00 am »
i think  this could be more directed towards the other cards..
or  darkness not necessary meant for death.. cause death deal more with poison will death deals more of a lock down type of mechanic
Yea had a hard time tring to find the right element for it. I didn't want it to be gravity as gravity already has black hole.

@wizardcat thanks for the correction.
@Archamarge/Venom[ATE] Thanks fixed the typo.

Crucible Archive / Null Wave | Null Wave
« on: January 29, 2011, 02:51:09 am »

Null Wave | Null Wave
NAME: Null Wave
COST: 6 :aether
TYPE: Spell
ABILITY: If this is the first card played
this turn remove all quanta
from all quanta pools.
NAME: Null Wave
COST: 4 :aether
TYPE: Spell
ABILITY: If this is the first card played
this turn remove all quanta
from all quanta pools.
ART: Dramore
IDEA: Dramore
NOTES: This should be fairly simple.
At the start of a turn, (your's or your opponent's), and this card is
played then all quanta all quanta pools, (your's and your opponent's),
is emptied. Reduced to zero.

This does not stop you from playing cards befor or after "Null Wave".
However if you play a card in the turn befor "Null Wave" is played it
will have no effect.

Also as this is a spell it can only be played on your turns unless the opponent
has one in his hand too.
SERIES: ***Insert series name and link to series page (if any)***

Null Wave | Null Wave
NAME: Null Wave
COST: 6 :death
TYPE: Spell
ABILITY: If this is the first card played
this turn remove all quanta
from all quanta pools.
NAME: Null Wave
COST: 4 :death
TYPE: Spell
ABILITY: If this is the first card played
this turn remove all quanta
from all quanta pools.
ART: Dramore
IDEA: Dramore
NOTES: This should be fairly simple.
At the start of a turn, (your's or your opponent's), and this card is
played then all quanta all quanta pools, (your's and your opponent's),
is emptied. Reduced to zero.

This does not stop you from playing cards befor or after "Null Wave".
However if you play a card in the turn befor "Null Wave" is played it
will have no effect.

Also as this is a spell it can only be played on your turns unless the opponent
has one in his hand too.
SERIES: ***Insert series name and link to series page (if any)***

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Fight Or Flight|Fight Or Flight
« on: January 28, 2011, 05:55:37 am »
There is one major problem with this card idea as it stands. It completely removes the need for another card that already in the game. Namely Flying Weapon/Animate Weapon. While I'm a big fan for having cards that do more than just one thing they should never remove all the usefulness of any current card.(basic shields are an exception) Now for the minor problem with this card. It give the ability/skill of "Dive". There is a big thread talking about this skill and cards that would grant this. So the idea is not new. From the amount I've read so far their is no one point on just how much a card granting this sbility/skill should cost and no single point on how much the ability/skill it's self should cost either. While the over all idea for this card isn't bad these are the problems I see it having.

Crucible Archive / Re: Miasma | Miasma
« on: January 27, 2011, 03:19:17 am »
I like it. At one time I wasworking on a miasma ability too.,10341.0.html

I had to go back and rethink my Runes seires. It just had problems and I'm working on revamping it.
Please don't stop this card on my account. I only say that because another person stopped his "Infuse" seires due to my rune seires. If you would keep me posted on this card I'd love that so I don't step on your feet as I rework my "Runes".

Also this card feels like a winner.Keep the ideas rolling.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Murphy | Evil God Murphy
« on: January 26, 2011, 05:40:54 am »
oh cool and thanks. Hope eveyone like the idea.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Extinction Level Event | Extinction Level Event
« on: January 25, 2011, 07:22:49 am »
oops sorry didnt realise that it was the power, but voodoo doll will still deal 20 damage, and ruby dragons will kill loads anyway
If voodoo doll does not live thru an attack it can't deal any damage

Voodoo: If this creature survives an attack, damage and status is inflicted to your opponent as well.

Card Ideas and Art / Murphy | Evil God Murphy
« on: January 25, 2011, 06:49:08 am »

Murphy | Evil God Murphy
NAME: Murphy
ELEMENT: Entropy
COST: 6 :entropy
TYPE: Creature
ATK|HP: 3 | 4
ABILITY: Creatures and permanents
have a 30% chance for active
skills/abilities to fail to activate
on each activation event.
NAME: Evil God Murphy
ELEMENT: Entropy
COST: 8 :entropy
TYPE: Creature
ATK|HP: 5 | 5
ABILITY: Creatures and permanents
have a 50% chance for active
skills/abilities to fail to activate
on each activation event.
ART: ***Insert artist name***
IDEA: Dramore
NOTES: Frist off for anyone who does not know what "Murphy's Law" is.
Murphy's Law    noun
 If it can go wrong it will go wrong. Also called (Brit) Sod's Law.
Meaning:[noncount] —used to refer to the humorous statement
that if it is possible for something to go wrong then it will go wrong
called also (Brit) Sod's Law
The ability of Murphy / Evil God Murphy

Murphy's Law
This skill is like a limited mass lobo. that also hits your permanents.
This means that there is a chance (non stackable) that each time an
active skill would either trigger or be triggered it may fail to happen.
Like when you click on a creature then cancel that act. The quanta is
already spent but nothing happens.(I.E. When you try to devour but their
is no target so you cancel. You do not get a refund of that quanta and the
skill is used until next turn.)
Note: This does not totaly cancel any skill. It only has a chance of said skill failing
to work. Or activate.  Also this has no effect on quanta production as that is
a passive skill(or at least to me it should be a passive skill). Tho there would
be a chance that pendulums would not switch over between the 2 types of quanta
they could produce.
I.E. Gravity mark, Fire pendulums.    Turn 1 :fire ,turn 2 :gravity . With this skill the switching
is the active part and may fail to happen at the end of the turn so you may get the same
type of quanta 2 or more turns in a row.

This affects every active skill/ability that any creature or permanent has.
I.E. Growth, Draw(permanent effect), Firewall(This means that on each
attack a creature does. The creature may not take any damage)
Scavenger(This means that when a creature dies a scavenger may not get
the +1|+1 that normaly happens.)

I'm thinking that Immortal creatures and Protected permanents would not be affected by this
ability but am not sure.
SERIES: ***Insert series name and link to series page (if any)***

Murphy | Evil God Murphy
NAME: Murphy
ELEMENT: Entropy
COST: 5 :entropy
TYPE: Creature
ATK|HP: 4 | 3
ABILITY: :entropy :entropy :entropy : Murphy's Law :
Change target creature or
permanent's active ability to
another random active ability.
NAME: Evil God Murphy
ELEMENT: Entropy
COST: 7 :entropy
TYPE: Creature
ATK|HP: 5 | 6
ABILITY: :entropy :entropy :entropy : Murphy's Law :
Change target creature or
permanent's active ability to
another random active ability.
ART: ***Insert artist name***
IDEA: Dramore
NOTES: Frist off for anyone who does not know what "Murphy's Law" is.
Murphy's Law    noun
 If it can go wrong it will go wrong. Also called (Brit) Sod's Law.
Meaning:[noncount] —used to refer to the humorous statement
that if it is possible for something to go wrong then it will go wrong
called also (Brit) Sod's Law
The ability of Murphy / Evil God Murphy

Murphy's Law may target any permanent or creature that has an
activated active ability/skill. (meaning if you can click on it)

This will switch it to a different random ability/skill with all cost
remaining the same.
If a creature is the target then the new skill will also be any
ability/skill that a creature could use.

If a permanent is the target then it will be any ability/skill that could
be used by the permanent.

This is a hidden change.Meaning that the name of the ability/skill
under the card does not appear different than what it was and the player
will not know what it is until they use it next.

I.E. No permanent could use "Growth" as it does not have attack
or Hp so it would not be able to aquire that ability/skill.

I.E. Murphy's Law is used on Maxwell's Demon it still reads Paradox
under the card but it may now be Draw a Card or Growth or Dive or
any other ability/skill that any creature could use.

I.E. Murphy's Law is used on Mindgate it still reads Duality under the
card but it may be Freeze or Poison or Sniper or Immortality or Tsunami
or any other ability/skill that any permanent could use.

After all it is "Murphy's Law" that it can and will go wrong or in this
case your plan just went wrong.
SERIES: ***Insert series name and link to series page (if any)***

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