1. Since the upped version is zero-cost, it should not have the
icon up there. In the table, cost should say 0.
2. The active (triggered) ability is worded incorrectly. See Virus
Sacrifice Virus to inflict 1 damage per round to a target creature
It's the ability's name, a colon, and then a description of what the zero-cost ability does in a new line.
3. On the card, you should give at an at least vague description of what the Starfish passive does. See Chaos Seed
A random effect is inflicted on the target
4. Unfortunately, there is pretty much no way you can fit all this in one card, so I highly suggest you change the card's mechanic. I think that you should take out the active ability so that you have to kill it with other cards, as the upped card can sacrifice itself and then apply a +0/-1 on the one that just spawned on the opponents' side...