I love the art and the idea is nice. I got some balancing concerns though (don´t take it personal).
So you got 1 creature that prevents one + up to 8 creatures from attacking you the next turn if i get that right.While you could power that with 1 Pillar and a mark. Seriously ?
You could play quints instead of your Shields then and be next to invulnurable by turn2.
The Defense is way too high for a "ability" creature like that.Its immune to most CC like that.
The Attack is too high for a) a water creature that isn´t a "vanilla" (no ability) b) its ability is too strong to have a body like that for just 6
It is way overpowered as it is.
Freezes the target and got a 20% chance to freeze anything next your target.
Also lower the attack and especially the defense.
Take a look at artic squid: (which should be simmilar to this)
Its no real threat on its own and delays your opponent.
You play it because of its ability and not because it has got a good ability + build in CC protection + is a decent beatstick while making you waking you up in the morning with a fresh coffee.
It does what it is supposed to do - delaying, and not carrying the game home for you all by itself.