Now 1000 upped cards, 12 Nymphs, 96 un-upped rares, 66 un-upped commons. Score bit over 210k.
Total 1000/1332 ~75%
Now I have upped 3+ each cards (except Nymphs, Marks and Relic), and 8+ each Pillar/Pendulum.
Total 1084 upped cards out of 1332 = ~81,5%.
Score 224k, 10475 games.
*update 6/5/2011*
Now I have upped 4+ each cards (except Nymphs, Marks and Relic), and 8+ each Pillar/Pendulum.
Total 1111 upped cards out of 1332 = ~83,4%.
Score 227k, 10650 games.
*update 11/7/2011*
Now I have 5+ each upped, and 11+ each Pillar/Pendulum.
I also have 6 each un-upped (except only 1 and 1 Shard), and 12 each Pillar/Pendulum.
Un-upped 1328 out of 1338 = 99,3%,
Upped 1251 out of 1338 = 93,5 %,
Total 2579 out of 2676 = 96,4%.
Score 257k, 11900 games.