Granted, but it's so big that it collapses under the weight of it's own gravity and plummets into the center of the Earth, forming a microscopic black hole that courses through the superdense magma, over the course of months accidentally creating a massive neural net deep within the Earth.
A group of scientists trying to stop it from consuming the Earth, while searching for it, find a second -- bigger -- black hole that must have been put there by an alien race intent on destroying the planet, and in their attempts to gather information about the pair, they discover that gravity can be amplified between two black holes in much the same way that light is amplified between two lasers. They use the newly-discovered 'gazer' to nudge both black holes into an orbit high enough in the Earth's mantle that they lose mass as quickly as they gain it, and they become stable components of the new planet.
Years later, when one of the scientists accidentally accidentally uploads the entire Internet into the neural net created by the first back hole as it spun through the liquid metal, the Earth itself becomes sentient, takes control of the 'gazer', and uses it to rid the world of criminals, ne'er-do-wells, and politicians. You, who have in the interim lived an awesome life and are in the middle of the most successful Presidental campaigns since Obama's, are the first to die in a bloody fountain of intense gravity -- on live television.
The clever and meme-driven Internet/world spirit shapes your blood spatter into the words "Gaia can haz penguinburger!" on the wall behind where you were standing.
I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a '64 Impala.
Seriously, no one has caught on yet?