I would like hear some comments from you. Not only for the cost balance, bu also for the whole mechanics. Do you think this card is a good idea ?
Divine Protection | Divine Force
This card would protect creatures from damaging CC, by redirecting that damaging CC at the player.
Is mass anti-CC a good idea? Yes. There should be answers to everything even to answers.
Does it fit in Light? Yes. Light likes to be able to ignore the opponent. It also is the element most associated with martyrdom. A leader sacrificing for the sake of the followers fits the theme well.
The final part of the card is the bonus you receive per creature protected. This is not per creature per turn. If Shard of Divinity and Shard of Gratitude are to be believed, regeneration is worth about 4 times as much as healing. Empathic bond gives 1 regeneration per creature. Divine Protection gives 1 healing per creature.
The value of Divine Protection is
Mass anti damaging CC + 2 healing per creature (EB/2=3cu) + CC redirected towards the player.
Divine Force gives you

per creature. This effectively reduces the casting cost of all creatures by 1.
The value of Divine Protection is
Mass anti damaging CC + creatures cost 1 quanta less + CC redirected towards the player.
Now one would merely need to estimate the magnitude of these components.
I do not have a good guess yet as to the value of (Mass anti damaging CC + CC redirected towards the player). However Lightning is usually used as CC and not as direct damage. This would indicate that the redirection is a net positive. Perhaps around 1-5cu.
The reducing creature costs by 1 was done before as Lotus (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26904.0.html) for 1cu.
This would result in value totals of
3+(3+/-2)|-1.5+1+(3+/-2) = 6|4 +/-2 = 5


+ 1 card +/-2

However remember these are very rough estimates. I am much more confident on the structure of the estimate then I am on the estimates involved.