A funny thing is that Adrenaline can hasten Glitching, making it possible to constantly turn into other tanks and attack without the decrease penalty!
The number of actual attacks are decided by the first attacking tank. For example, if the Glitch Tank attacks first and then turns into a tank with high attack, it is possible to deal 3+x+x+x damage, where x is the attack power of the next tank (only possible if you don't glitch your x attack to y meanwhile).
Attack without the decrease? stupid, and there isn´t a reason for that. Ever tried out what happens to an adrenalized accelerating Armagio? with each change of power, the adreanlin is recalculated:
Armagio Attack 1 (with adrenalin and acceleration) (Acceleration makes a creature stronger before it attacks)
1. 3 damage (3 power)
2. 4 damage (5 power)
3. 3 damage (7 power)
4. -----
Tank with Attack 3
1. 3 damage (3 power, than glitching into 4 power)
2. 3 damage (4 power)
3. 2 damage (4 power)
4. -----
Tank with Attack 3
1. 3 damage (3 power, than glitching into 8 power)
2. 5 damage (8 power, than glitching into 2 power)
3. 2 damage (2 power)
4. 2 damage (2 power)
You CAN NOT change how Adreanlin works just because you make a card that would benefit of a change...
Does the Tank glitch before or after an attack?? If he glitches before attacking, it´s the same, but if he gliches from low to high it´s a little different:
Tank with Attack 3
1. 3 damage (3 power)
2. 3 damage (3 power)
3. 3 damage (3 power)
4. glitches into 8 power, doesn´t attack.