This is, if nothing else, a great way to make a player log in every day. I would suggest, however, that the Oracle only become available after you win a game, and only once every 24 hours. That will keep people from just logging in every morning on the way to school and spending six seconds getting their 34 Electrum for the day (or whatever).
I'd also be willing to write some of the "fortunes", if you'd like. I'm a professional writer and my wife is an amateur astrologist, so we can have some total fun with it. Interestingly, there are the same number of Zodiac signs as there are Elements. There could be a lot of storyline potential here.

And I kind-of agree with Kamietsu in that I think Shards, as well as Nymphs, should be available through the Oracle, especially since SoGs aren't consistently available to people who donate anymore.