Salut à tous
As I have been posting some of my screenshot in chat, several people asked me what deck I was using. As the main idea is not new and that I made this deck with the contribution of several other players, I thought I needed to add some interest to this post. That's why I made the following guide.
Why chose a neurotoxin deck to grind FGs?
The RoL-hope deck are known to be fast money makers (but are as boring as German politics). The rainbows (such as CCYB and friends) are the most efficient but are slow and weak against some gods. Some decks are really fun to play (Nymphomanias, Voodoos, Mindgates) but suffer lower win rates. I'll put neurotoxin decks in the latest category (the fun decks). However, the following Eternal Chaos can have a win rate almost as high as the rainbows. But to reach it, you'll need some practice ...
Why use Entropy and not Gravity or Light?
To play neurotoxin, you have three main strategies: eSco (,11715.msg154119#msg154119) (by Zse and using

), DSK-FG (,11131.0.html) (by bucky1andonly and using

) and Eternal Crusade (,19681.msg266954#msg266954) (using

The main idea is to hit your opponent once and then to stay alive until he dies. Surely it's easier to hit with momentum but the best defence available (and the more versatile) is clearly in entropy. Antimatter gives you healing and CC as well as a nice way to bypass problematic shield and to trick the AI. BE gives you PC (a must against some FG). And finally, Pandemonium gives you mass CC (a life saver quite often).
Now the deck:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u8 6u9 6u9 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q3 7q3 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q8 7q8 7q8 7qd 7qd 7qd 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 8pj
False God Guide: Normalised win rate: 59,8% (to be updated soon).
- Priority Order for PC: Eternity, Hourglass, Shield and SoG.
- You can improve your EM rate using antimatter on big creature having a later position (6 or 7).
- Scorpions with -3 or less attack are almost never targeted.
- If you have already hit with neurotoxin, you might use a chaos seed to increase the effect of antimatter.
Chaos Lord: Win 46% | EM 6%
Easy as long as your shield is up and eternity comes early. Try to use rewind in order to deny him some elements (rewind the gargoyle 3 times and you wont see it again). Antimatters won't do much if the druids are up and running since it'll just re-mutate. N.B. : Antimatter-ed scorpions are not targeted by the druids. First EMscreenshot by dukeborric here (,20173.msg276677#msg276677)

Dark Matter: Win 76% | EM 15%
Rewind the nymphs. Antimatter the chargers and/or the momentum-ed big creatures. If two nymphs are upped and running, then pandemonium. (the 2 screenshots show EMs)
Decay: Win 52% | EM 1%
Play the shield and shards only if you have 1-2 Hourglass. Play the buffed scorpion ASAP. When the first fractal is played, keep your pillars and discard BE, antimatter and Eternity. Play your pillars only when you want to play a shield or a shard. (Second screenshot shows an EM)

Destiny: Win 81% | EM 11%
Wait for a super buffed creature to antimatter if possible. Try to use rewind in order to deny him some elements (rewind a nymph twice and you wont see it again). Play un-buffed scorpions that she will rewind. This way you can use your own eternity to rewind her annoying ones. (Screenshot shows an EM).
Divine Glory: Win 3% | EM not yet
Almost Impossible. I finally beat him once on the 35th battle. It was a tough fight with 3 miracles. I was just lucky that his first fire pillars appeared very late. This way I could put my defence up without to much problem.

Dream Catcher: Win 55% | EM 8%
You must have an eternity before he can BE one of his creatures.
Elidnis: Win 84% | EM 13%
You might want to antimatter a too strong scorpion in order to avoid having it twined. Put your shield up fast, eternity as well. Keep the antimatter-ed scorpion for BE to destroy the bonds. (Screenshot shows an EM)

Eternal Phoenix: Win 46% (26/61) | EM 1% (1/61)
Easy so long as your shield hold. A neurotoxin before the first fractal and he is done. Use Pandemonium if the scorpion is late. Save antimatters for dragons.

Ferox: Win 88% (64/73) | EM 19% (14/73)
The perfect god to practice the basic strategy. Try to save antimatters for dragons unless it gets an early rush of lots of 5 attack creatures and you don't have any eternity or shield. (Screenshot shows an EM)

Fire Queen: Win 81% | EM 11%
The key to the success here is to prevent her to produce fire. If you succeed, she is dead. (Screenshot shows an EM)

Gemini: Win 76% | EM 17%
Rewind the unstoppable creatures. Try to antimatter a creature in position 5+. Not a big deal if your defence does not come to late. You might want to antimatter, BE or rewind a too strong scorpion in order to avoid having it twined. (Screenshot shows an EM)
Graviton: Win 69% | EM 24%
Here un-upped scorpions are better. Use antimatter on the fire-masters only if you really can not rewind them. Try to antimatter a charger. Try to keep your shield un-destroyed (remember the PC priorities). If the gravity shield is up before the neurotoxin hits and he does not have much damage up, you might want to let him use gravity pull on you. The scorpion if not killed can hit next turn. (Screenshot shows an EM)
Hermes: Win 33% | EM 4%
Use antimatter on the Lava only if you really can not rewind them. Sometimes using your BE on an antimatter-ed lava is your only option (It might be still lead you to a win). Try to antimatter a Dragon. Try to keep your shield un-destroyed (remember the PC priorities) without sacrificing you Eternities too early in the game. (Second screenshot shows an EM)

Incarnate: Win 46% | EM 4%
Be extremely careful in using Pandemonium here. The best thing you can do here is antimatter a 6|4 vampire and then destroy eclipse. If the bone wall is up before the neurotoxin hits keep your scorpion combo for when you can play an antimatter on it at the same time. (Screenshot shows an EM)

Miracle: Win 78% | EM 3%
Save antimatter for buffed dragons/pegasi. Destroy light towers to prevent miracle. EM is quite difficult to do because of morning glory. (Screenshot shows an EM by rewinding pegasus)
Morte: Win 58% | EM 4%
Save antimatters for dragons. Use pandemonium wisely. Try to destroy the RoL without producing a too many skeletons. Rewind the archangel can also help you to control the light quanta pool. It's always nice to have a BE before his Arsenic. Poison renders EMs quite tricky. (Screenshot shows an EM)

Neptune: Win 97% | EM 51%
No help needed here. I lost only once because I forgot to rewind my scorpion. (Screenshot shows an EM on an empty field)
Obliterator: Win 49% | EM 13% (a bit a too high number due to the normalisation)
Rewind the unstoppable creatures. Antimatter a basalt dragon if possible and try to destroy the pulveriser before it is protected. (Screenshot shows an EM)
Octane: Win 27% | EM 2%
Protect your shards by remembering the PC priorities. Without shards you'll have problem to survive too many UG. Rewind what you can. Use antimatter or pandemonium on the rest. You might be lucky and have a BE early enough that you can erase all OE. (Second Screenshot shows an EM)

Osiris: Win 91% | EM 17%
First Shield, then Eternity. Rewind the unstoppable creatures. Keep in mind that he might throw the antimatter or poisoned creatures in your head. Use pandemonium rather later than sooner. (Screenshot shows an EM)
Paradox: Win 87% | EM 9%
Antimatter a big déjà -vu (before it splits if possible). You might want to antimatter, BE or rewind a too strong scorpion in order to avoid having it twined.
Rainbow: Win 13% | EM 7% (in fact 2 win with one EM on 15 battles)
The FG I battled the less since I started (lucky me). Keep in mind the priority order for PC. Try to keep your shield up the whole game. Play eternity wisely. Use Antimatter and pandemonium when you can't rewind.
Scorpio: Win 40% | EM 5%
Here your shield will save your life. Antimatter the arctic dragons. Rewind the puffers when not trapped in time. Use pandemonium to prevent overdose of poison. And keep a scorpion combo ready in case of a late purify.
Seism: Win 55%| EM 5%
Play your pillars | pendulums one at the time except if it allows you to play your shield or your eternity. Silurian dragons are the target of choice for antimatter. Slowly but surely you'll kick is ugly ass. (Second screenshot is EM)

Pikachufan2164's advices to fight the new gods (1.27)
Akebono: Simple like Dark Matter, but even easier and without the Black Holes and Gravity Nymphs. Early Eternity and Turtle Shield are more important than an early Scorp. Rewind his expensive creatures (especially ones with Overdrive and/or Momentum) to lock his draws.
Lionheart: Not too bad, for the most part. Early Scorp > early Eternity, most likely. Turtle Shield is infinitely useful in holding off their creature army and preventing ability use. Rewind priority is Anubis > Pharaoh > Crusader = Flying Eternity (though the presence of Quintessence will make it difficult to Rewind his creatures).
Hecate: A little more difficult due to the 4 Steals (remember the PC priority list), but you'll still find it quite easy. Eternity is highly useful, as is Turtle Shield. Rewind the Dolls, and eventually she'll run out of Rage Elixirs and have low enough damage output. If you like, you may as well Antimatter a Raged, vampire Doll so that it does damage for you.
Serket: Difficult. It's a poison race, and you need to win with an early Scorp. Pandemonium is a key card here -- it helps remove opposing creatures (since almost all of them have low HP) and breaks through Cloak. Antimatter the Recluses, Rewind the opposing Scorpions, and have a BE Scorp handy for destroying their Eclipses and deactivating their Deathstalkers. Cloak could be a problem, as you rely on targeting, but Pandemonium luckily breaks through it.
Jezebel: Very difficult. 8 Steals and 6 Cloaks means that you likely won't be able to Rewind her Nymphs (or do much at all, for the matter) if you don't set up properly. Use the PC priorities to protect your Shield and Shards, as they are essential for your survival. If you suspect she has Steals early on, feel free to hold on to your permanents and let her steal your Towers and Pends. Hourglasses and Eternity are also good Steal bait once you get your defenses up. Pandemonium breaks through Cloak, but it looks like you won't be able to do much after the uncloaking anyway. Early Scorp is probably better in this situation.

Screenshot for the new gods by twixy10:
it isn't an EM (one hp short), but since you don't have the normal win screens for the new gods I thought i should post it.

Lionheart: another one almost EM. 2 attack short:

here is an EM for the competition

against Serket:

Don't hesitate to post your tips and screen-shots (EM in particular).
For the competition: missing EMscreenshot : Divine Glory, Dream Catcher, Eternal Phoenix, Paradox, Rainbow, Scorpio and all the new gods.
Good Luck and Have Fun ...