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Messages - 152710 (22)

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I was kind of smitten by this deck, but today I went 2 wins to 20 losses straight. My score dropped down a lot and I got over this deck.

There are just more things that can go wrong than can go right. Quanta is the main issue as I said before. Any destruction, stealing or blackholes set you backs turns and turns.

You are lucky if you get an early shield.

The final straw was me with tons of HP kicking Eternal Chaos's butt. I was pretty close to winning but I started having to rewind my scorpions. NP until he stole my eternity thus decking me.

so many other times I have been within 1 turn of winning with this deck that it is too frustrating to continue. I think it does a better job at more FGs than CCYB, but some gods for CCYB are really easy while this deck struggles against all the FGs.

I think it is a good idea, but not good enough to takeover my FG grinding with CCYB.
I have exactly the same feeling with this deck. Personally it just takes too long in my eyes. I did about 40 games, and only got a handfull of wins, where it took me around 20-30 turns to get there.

It is a nice deck, but not for grinding FG. Too slow, and last turn losses are plenty. I like to know as early as possible that I am going to lose so I can quit and move on.

General Discussion / Re: Yay for real cards
« on: February 08, 2011, 06:51:30 am »

Quality looks ok too. I seriously doubt the ability to play elements in real life though... "Plays a Quantum tower..." ouch..

General Discussion / Re: Your Signature Deck?
« on: February 07, 2011, 01:11:59 pm »
Love Potion

Code: [Select]
6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 7t8 7t8 7te 7te 7te 7te 7te 7te
Owning so many FG´s in such a short time. I just love the whole "turned around" idea of the deck. The amount of turns, the speed and EM% is just awesomesauce.

By far my most loved deck.

General Discussion / How to "normalize" stats?
« on: February 03, 2011, 03:54:28 pm »
I am running detailed stats of each God I play with my deck, but everywhere around here the word "normalized" stats/win rate come up.

I searched, but I can not find any formula or info how to get those stats.

for example:
FG           WON LOST
Firequeen   0   9
Gemini   6   1
Graviton   8   6

How do I "normalize" these stats? just bring them up to a 100 games each?

Interesting deck. First thing that comes to mind is:


How "fast" or "slow" is this deck. In other words, how many turns are you giving in to "faster" decks out there?

can you give me an overview of god-by-god breakdown of TTW?

For example, a normal CCYB deck does around 18 Turns on average to kill a god, Eternal chaos?

Anyone dare to provide some numbers?

I am guessing here, but I think it should be close to 20...

Archived Decks / Re: Chaos Factory (FG grinder, v1.261)
« on: February 03, 2011, 10:26:56 am »
And here Dark Matter goes down in 15 turns (EM win!), pretty much proving that winning against him with this deck is not a fluke.

stats so far:


Win %: 43.24 !!!!!! (I have to give credit to the randomizer here, as I do get a lot of favorable FG´s lately. Also, I understand more and more the strategy of the FG´s, like when they will use their Oty´s to eat their own creatures etc..

EM%: 62.50 %

TTW: 15.563

Total cards won: 34

total  :electrum per game +27
total  :electrum per game, including spins: +290.87

EDIT: Interesting little fact, in 148 games played, I have yet to encounter Hermes.. 0 games against him so far..

here a FG breakdown:

total per FG   won   lost   %   EM%
Chaoslord   1   4   20.00   100.00
Darkmatter   3   1   75.00   100.00
Decay   0   7   0.00   #DIV/0!
Destiny   4   2   66.67   75.00
DevineGlory   0   8   0.00   #DIV/0!
Dreamcatcher   0   3   0.00   #DIV/0!
Elidnis   2   4   33.33   100.00
EternalPhoenix   1   4   20.00   0.00
Ferox   0   7   0.00   #DIV/0!
Firequeen   0   8   0.00   #DIV/0!
Gemini   5   1   83.33   40.00
Graviton   7   4   63.64   57.14
Hermes   0   0   #DIV/0!   #DIV/0!
Incarnate   3   3   50.00   33.33
Miracle   3   1   75.00   100.00
Morte   2   6   25.00   50.00
Neptune   7   0   100.00   71.43
Obliterator   5   0   100.00   80.00
Octane   4   8   33.33   50.00
Osiris   0   3   0.00   #DIV/0!
Paradox   7   1   87.50   42.86
Rainbow   0   2   0.00   #DIV/0!
Scorpio   2   2   50.00   0.00
Seism   8   5   61.54   75.00

EDIT: lol.. just after posting, I get Hermes.. doing him now..I mark him as 40/60 (win/lose), but we´ll see after 10 games against him what the score is.

Archived Decks / Re: Chaos Factory (FG grinder, v1.261)
« on: February 02, 2011, 01:13:30 pm »
Nymphs only slow the deck down, as they cost 9 :entropy, AND have to survive a whole turn. You´d have to splash  :aether Aether to get some Quinties for them to protect. it is just too slow. A better way is to use Water and Nymph Tears:,16496.0.html

Archived Decks / Re: Chaos Factory (FG grinder, v1.261)
« on: February 02, 2011, 09:00:31 am »
Yes, I started skipping some gods like Divine Glory and Firequeen. I still mark that down as a loss though.

Current numbers, BETTER than my current run with CCYB.


Win %: 42.18%
EM%: 62.96%
TTW: 15.222
Av. Electrum per game (incl. spins): 295.07  :electrum

Got a bit lucky with the God selection, so I´ll continue until I have as much games as I did with CCYB: 269, and make a comparison then. But so far, its looking VERY good for  :entropy :darkness

EDIT: Here is how you slap darkmatter in the face in "just" 17 turns..(Liquid matter away 2 nymphs!)..oh, and it was EM as well. Take that you Mother of FG!

Archived Decks / Re: Chaos Factory (FG grinder, v1.261)
« on: February 01, 2011, 09:36:35 am »
Updated stats. I did 100 games:


total win%: 38.00 %

TTW: 15.395

EM% 60.53%

Cards won: 19.

Is it better than CCYB? calculated over time/turns, yes, albeit just a little..

according to my calculations, 100 games of CCYB yields a 42.00 % win rate, with a TTW of 17.823, 2.5 turns slower per game than this  :entropy :darkness deck.

100 games:

CCYB: 42% = 42 won games in 1782 turns
 :entropy :darkness: 38% = 44 won games in 1782 turns. (1782 / 15.395)

Just 2 won games more, but loads of more fun, and not to forget that CCYB "only" maxes out on EM at 20%.  :entropy :darkness easily goes over 60%, 3 times as much.

in my calculations, CCYB gives an average of 234.33 gold per game (taken over 100 games, including spins)
 :entropy :darkness gives me 238.09 per game AND is 2.5 turns faster..

will post again when reaching 200 games.


Obliterator in just 12 Turns:

Archived Decks / Re: Chaos Factory (FG grinder, v1.261)
« on: January 31, 2011, 07:23:28 am »
You can´t win ´em all...

EDIT:: Upgraded numbers :::

Code: [Select]
6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 7t8 7t8 7te 7te 7te 7te 7te 7te
Stats so far, not skipping any god:


win %: 40.00 %
TTW: 15.750 turns.
EM%: 59.38

I love this deck, and it is a nice change from playing "normal" elements style (play creatures and bash until dead).

will keep track of stats until 100 games.

Problem I have that in the early game, I am sometimes missing some quanta, but after that, I am swimming in excess quanta, and every pend. I draw makes me cringe..heh..

some gods are just impossible to win, so they probably are better skipped, but boy o boy, is this deck fun and fast!


Yesterday evening I sent Graviton home in just 10 turns, too bad I did not taped that.

Here is Neptune eating dust in 11 turns:

oh, I usually simply play liquid shadow on Fallen Elfs.. shuts them up nicely..

I will post a new entry to have this deck taken up in the FG list soon, when I did 100 games and write a detailed god by god strategy.

I like this deck more than all others I played.. so much fun and fast :)

Archived Decks / Re: DoSA - Fractal Retrovirus (FG grinder 1.26)
« on: January 24, 2011, 07:59:22 am »
Code: [Select]
711 711 712 712 712 712 712 712 714 71b 71b 71b 71f 71f 71f 71f 71f 71f 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 80i 80i 80i 80i 80i
did 41 games so far, Impressed with the stats so far.


total win %: 36.59%
EM%: 0%
TTW: 16.6

The deck suffers heavily from bad draws, and loses left and right from this. The condor will probably have to go, since I never find it a better card than the dragon, and in all 41 games, I preferred to fractal a dragon to get the 11 damage in immediately, and not wait for another round of killing creatures to get somewhat bigger condors, like 7/8 ones.. le sigh...

thinking of changing it for another bonewall to keep me alive more in the early game, or another tower...

Deck Help / Re: Flying Ball Lightning
« on: January 19, 2011, 08:55:23 am »
IF you have 2 of them (very unlikely, you can switch out all the luci´s for Light Nymphs. They heal you and give Bioluminesence to all your balls.

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