MrSexington's "Rage Quit"This deck review was written by Dm A very old deck called... MrSexington's "Rage Quit" Deck.Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
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Now, most of you "newer" players might have never heard of this deck. Or probably you've only heard of "Rage Quit" with Chapuz' "
Ragequit Factory" deck (well, it's already a bit old since it's from 2012 though...). And so you might think that this is just an older, slower, crappier version of the newer "Ragequit Factory" deck.
And honestly, you wouldn't be too far off. The "Ragequit Factory" is just a trimmed down version of this. But that does not mean that this deck is any less funnier than it. And because you are packing 60 cards, you can bring a bit more to the table. Let's look at the cards.
Quantum Tower: We don't know what this is for, but maybe you can figure it out for us.
Supernova: We have a small guess that this might serve the same purpose of Quantum Towers, except that it gives it a bit of an extra boost. Don't play twice of it, we're not focusing on singularities with this deck. Some people like exchanging this for other cards; but we'll tackle that later.
Improved Antimatter:This is where things start getting fun. Find the opponent's creature with the highest attack power (and if you're afraid that the opponent might want to CC himself, with a higher HP too.) and use Antimatter on it. I think the description of the card is accurate enough - The creature will now be healing you. Leave it there and proceed to the next card of the combo.
Aflatoxin: Which is this one. You're not supposed to use this on your own creatures (Well, not like you have any to start with...) but rather on your opponent. This will fill his field with Malignant Cells. Of course this would be a very stupid move if you don't have shields, but thankfully, we are not stupid, and we do have shields. You should aim to keep the only creatures on his side either Malignant Cells or Antimattered Creatures.
Protect Artifact: Fairly straight forward, this protects your permanents. Such as your shield, which is pretty important if you didn't notice. Or your towers, so you don't go quanta starved. Or your Hourglass, to draw more. It's situational, but you should quickly grab the hang of it.
Spine Carapace: One of your shields. Spine Carapace is a good shield since it will block the damage from all the Malignant Cells; simultaneously, Spine Carapace will, with enough time, kill any other creature that is not either Antimattered or a Malignant Cell. All in all, a pretty standard shield to have in decks like this.
Shard of Gratitude: This card was in this deck back when it healed 5 HP independent of your mark. Now that it is no longer like this (and now that Sanctuary is in the game) you can swap this for Sanctuary no problem. Or you can tweak it a bit yourself and just use Shard of Gratitude none the less.
Purify: In case you find someone who only has an arsenic and deadly poisons. Just in case. Also, added healing.
Inundation: An underused little card that has been "recently" (warning: definitions of recently may vary) been buffed to include more slots. Basically, any creature that isn't water or other and remains in "Flooded" slots will die. This hampers the opponent even more, as he will only have five active slots to play with, and they'll either die to your shield, be malignant cells, or be antimattered. Yep, pretty good to have in this deck. But it's not a necessity - it's more of a commodity in case you face something like Fractal. For example.
Mirror Shield: This shield also blocks exactly 1 damage so that the Malignant Cells won't hit you. Apart from that, it holds a few other good points, like the ability to block spell-damage creatures (Which are now a problem with Shard of Wisdom or Psion, which again did not exist back then) or some older decks that already existed back then (Like Firestall).
Improved Miracle: In case you somehow have a huge streak of bad luck or your opponent simply has a quinted purified Steam Machine at a retardedly high attack or something like that, use this to save yourself from near-death. Quite self-explanatory.
Shard of Divinity: Again, a card that was stronger back then, but still strong enough to be included today, this card will simply raise your maximum HP. This will give you a bit more Electrum when EM'ing, make you harder to kill, et cetera. You may swap this for a Stone Skin if you so desire - the effect will be the same, but you'll need to wait a bit more before using it.
Wings: Another Shield. For the love of all that is holy and unholy in this earth do
not substitute a Spine Carapace or a Mirror Shield with this. Use this to stall while you get your combo out. That's it. It blocks a lot of things and is "better" to have, in this scenario, than a DimShield - It lasts longer, blocks most attacks, and what it doesn't you're likely healing back anyway.
Electrum Hourglass: Draw stuff, get your combo out faster, make the opponent rage earlier.
Sundial: Stalls opponent for one turn. Blocks all incoming damage (Except weapons.) Also gives you a bit of drawing. Good stalling card overall.
Improved Steal: Steal stuff. Annoying permanents. (Like Fahrenheit, or Titan, or breaking an Eternity + Photon combo..)
Electrocutor: Some damage. No, just kidding. The main point of this is to take away annoying abilities. Like the Psion's if you don't draw a mirror shield, or butterfly effect. Well, not that anyone uses the latter, but hey.
The whole deck concept has already been explained and is fairly straightforward - Lock the opponent down with a combination of Flooding, Antimatter, Aflatoxin, and one of your shields. The point of this deck is to simply make your opponent ragequit. You will not gain a lot of electrum with it, and you will not farm fast with it - it is simply to have a bit of fun. The great point about it is being highly customizable - as pointed out, you can swap some cards for others, and always add in new ones. For example, adding a Permafrost Shield instead of a Spine Carapace, or adding a Pandemonium to help clear the opponent's field in case something goes awry; or adding the classical Eternity + Photon combo so you avoid decking out (in case you meet someone else who is as sadistic as you and uses this kind of stuff.)