Scorpion Platinum Farmer by Bonestorm
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4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 6rm 6rm 6rm 6rt 6rt 6rt 6rt 6rt 6rt 74a 74a 74a 74a 74a 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7qd 7qd 7qd 7qd 7qd 8ps
This is the original version where instant neuro is possible at the cost of a more combo-based draw.
The following is the deck Re-modelled for more SoD & less combo. Credit to
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6rm 6rm 6rm 6rm 6rm 6rm 6rt 6rt 6rt 6rt 6rt 6rt 74a 74a 74a 74a 74a 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7qd 7qd 7qd 7qd 7qd 8pl
The blank cards are Shards of Sacrifice.
I fancied a change from the arsenpoison stalls as SoSac farmers as I kept decking out to insta-popped arses, denial and healing (while having a good rage about it with rasta I had the idea of a neuro-deck). Thought this'd be worth posting over in the deckthreads and not just the platfarm thread by now, since this deck is powerful against almost everything. The original version is better versus QC denial and healing and those aren't uncommon especially in platinum, whereas the second build is definitely more reliable and will achieve more special spins. Simple but effective, gather cards for a Dune Scorpion and play it backed up with the regular SoSac chain.
Works a charm against decks without too much healing or Purify.
Mark is often fairly irrelevant in the first build but time is probably best for balance if you dont draw any towers. Light will give you extra HP from SoDs.
The Shards of Divinity are to build up breathing space between the maxdmge of the opposing deck and your SoSa Chain in the case of high damage output decks, i.e.
if you have more max hp than 1 turn of damage+41 -> can chain one SoSa every 3 turns instead of two.Current #1 plat Deck (#1 because all the arsenstalls can't beat it): 4838elec EM.

Current #2 plat Deck (Had a bad hand and was one turn out of SoSac chain with the miracles, & :. lost EM, harsh game

) : only a 1136 win.