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Re: War - Round 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14835.msg188621#msg188621
« Reply #48 on: October 30, 2010, 06:03:08 pm »
Well, without a doubt this "type" of card is going to be controversial and will most likely have a major effect in the winner of this War. I firmly believe the majority of the Masters if not all would be against the use of this card. Anyone who knows me would know that I would be against this card regardless if it benefited team Death or not.

It's just too skewed and OP towards one team and IMO will put a blemish on the winner.

So basically as a community we can decide to continue to complain about this card or actually do something. So here's what i will do regardless if this is changed or not.

1) Simply do not play free upped cards. Up the 3 or 6 cards for Generals or Lieutenants but that's it. Ends the drama right there.
2) If team Death receives this type of card later in the event we will not be using this as an advantage. Basically we will not use this "type" of card at all.

So Team Death will be boycotting this "type" of card and throughout the tourney we will not be using this to our advantage. Sorry Team Death for not consulting first but i feel that this is the correct thing to do.

SG - Not trying to spite you here or create waves. I understand the amount of work and effort you have put into this War and i honestly appreciate it. I will not be posting or arguing about this event card again. I just don't think this is a very good "type" of event card.

Ahhhh crap... was posting this and missed the Sat tourney.

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Re: War - Round 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14835.msg188626#msg188626
« Reply #49 on: October 30, 2010, 06:05:05 pm »
Well, without a doubt this "type" of card is going to be controversial and will most likely have a major effect in the winner of this War. I firmly believe the majority of the Masters if not all would be against the use of this card. Anyone who knows me would know that I would be against this card regardless if it benefited team Death or not.

It's just too skewed and OP towards one team and IMO will put a blemish on the winner.

So basically as a community we can decide to continue to complain about this card or actually do something. So here's what i will do regardless if this is changed or not.

1) Simply do not play free upped cards. Up the 3 or 6 cards for Generals or Lieutenants but that's it. Ends the drama right there.
2) If team Death receives this type of card later in the event we will not be using this as an advantage. Basically we will not use "type" of card at all.

Basically Team Death will be boycotting this "type" of card and throughout the tourney we will not be using this to our advantage. Sorry Team Death for not consulting first but i feel that this is the correct thing to do.

SG - Not trying to spite you here or create waves. I understand the amount of work and effort you have put into this War and i honestly appreciate it. I will not be posting or arguing about this event card again. I just don't think this is a very good "type" of event card.

Ahhhh crap... was posting this and missed the Sat tourney.
i agree totally
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Re: War - Round 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14835.msg188642#msg188642
« Reply #50 on: October 30, 2010, 06:12:35 pm »
i hope that our Leader is going to tell us to follow MrBlonde proposal,
it's the best thing to do IF warmasters spontaneously don't decide to scrap this kind of cards away...

come on, we don't need this...
the event cards should affect equally every team!

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Re: War - Round 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14835.msg188650#msg188650
« Reply #51 on: October 30, 2010, 06:16:01 pm »
im definitely supporting this proposal, even if im given a deck with a bunch of upgraded light cards in round 2, ill simply go in unupgraded... (even though i dont have any upgraded light cards :P)
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Re: War - Round 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14835.msg188654#msg188654
« Reply #52 on: October 30, 2010, 06:19:42 pm »
i hope that our Leader is going to tell us to follow MrBlonde proposal,
it's the best thing to do IF warmasters spontaneously don't decide to scrap this kind of cards away...

come on, we don't need this...
the event cards should affect equally every team!
I completely agree with this. MrBlonde has taken what, imo, is the hardest and most important step to "nullifying" the event card. Hopefully the other masters will follow suit.

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Re: War - Round 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14835.msg188674#msg188674
« Reply #53 on: October 30, 2010, 06:40:05 pm »
I don't have a clear opinion about this card Event ; I accept it, as a rule, as something that could happen during the event. I accepted the idea of Event Cards when I joined the War, whatever it could be, how unfair/OP/unfunny it can be. I'll say "screw it, let's play".

But, if some Teams use this card advantage and other not... The game loses all interest. If one team remains using the advantage, that team won't be considered as a fair player, even if they follow the rules ? Maybe that won't be the case.

So... for some players here, that Event Card makes War ruined forever ? I don't think so. Maybe we'll have fun anyway ? And I bet I'll have fun.
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Re: War - Round 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14835.msg188687#msg188687
« Reply #54 on: October 30, 2010, 06:45:56 pm »
I completely agree with MrBlonde, but it is (sadly) not up to me to decide (however, as water's deckbuilder, I could always post unupgraded decks and hope Essence won't be online before the deadline to change that ;) )

Because, event cards shouldn't be biased.
And, this card is biased, even though there are other cards of these series, that won't work, because we won't have 13 rounds, and an element might have already been beaten before 'their' event card is chosen.

Also, pretty hard round for :water, facing three masters, including the master of light, and we are fighting :earth and :fire again, after fighting both of them the previous round twice.
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Re: War - Round 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14835.msg188695#msg188695
« Reply #55 on: October 30, 2010, 06:49:39 pm »
one thing for sure, we will always remember 'W2R2'

i mean come on guys, implementing event cards is a great idea
+3 cards for flawless win? awesome
+6 upgraded card each? awesome
:light cards = upgraded? WTF


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Re: War - Round 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14835.msg188699#msg188699
« Reply #56 on: October 30, 2010, 06:50:39 pm »
I completely agree with MrBlonde, but it is (sadly) not up to me to decide (however, as water's deckbuilder, I could always post unupgraded decks and hope Essence won't be online before the deadline to change that ;) )

Because, event cards shouldn't be biased.
And, this card is biased, even though there are other cards of these series, that won't work, because we won't have 13 rounds, and an element might have already been beaten before 'their' event card is chosen.

Also, pretty hard round for :water, facing three masters, including the master of light, and we are fighting :earth and :fire again, after fighting both of them the previous round twice.
I might be wrong about this, but I get the feeling that essence will follow MrBlonde's lead- indeed, I think essence would have done the exact same thing had he gotten on before MrBlonde.

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Re: War - Round 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14835.msg188710#msg188710
« Reply #57 on: October 30, 2010, 06:58:19 pm »
I knew someone like mrblonde would show up. Due to that event card, the whole event suddenly became so boring. I'm not blaming mrblonde or anything, because honestly, I was about to do the same thing, regardless of how gravity can benefit from upgrades. (currently i'm consulting the team)

If this ends with some masters boycotting event cards and some not, the whole event would become absolutely boring. The winner, presumably one of the elements that did not boycott, wouldn't feel so proud of themselves after winning with an unfair advantage.

Now, the next thing that should happen is xdude agreeing on the boycott. Then it becomes fun. (but will he?)
Ex-Master of :gravity, still a fervid supporter! GO GRAVY!


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Re: War - Round 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14835.msg188715#msg188715
« Reply #58 on: October 30, 2010, 07:00:33 pm »
Of course air has to be the team with the double matchup against light...


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