0-2 Originality
0-3 Balance
0-2 Theme (Elements chosen, Name, Genre)
0-3 Support for new deck types (they will be asked what deck type it would support and we can judge based on that and our insights)
0-10 Total
(Element) Amulet | (Element) Talisman
1 Originality- pillar alternative
1 Balance- underpowered, 6 quantum (7 if upped) for the price of 1. suggestion- remove the cost, increase the gain (4 first turn, 3 second, two third, one fourth, gone)
2 Theme (Elements chosen, Name, Genre)- all elements, name makes as much sense as pillar or pendulum.
3 Support for new deck types- this would allow for small bursts of the quantum you need without having to dedicate pillars to it over the long haul
6 Total
1 Originality- payback card
1 Balance- moderately OP as it effectively reduces the cost to play *all* cards by 1, assuming you have the full amount to play them, and free cards generate quantum at no cost whatsoever. and the effect being allowed to stack is a bit too drastic and far reaching.
1 Theme (Elements chosen, Name, Genre)- other element, not sure how a flower fits the theme of paying back
1 Support for new deck types- this would most benefit rainbow decks
4 Total
elemental font
2 Originality, charging is new to me
2 Balance, situational weak and situational OP, the cost of the discharge ability limits its ability to be used as a short-term fix, but in long term decks with bolts (mostly looking at


) it can be abused.
2 Theme (Elements chosen, Name, Genre) all elements,
0 Support for new deck types- i dont think it brings in any new deck types, just boosts stall bolt decks and provides some protection from quanta denial (but due to its use cost, it is not entirely denial-proof)
6 Total
invigorate (my own card- just for score comparison, not to be used in deciding a winner)
2 Originality first "make your pillars do work now" card i can think of
0 Balance underpowered, does not help low pillar count decks very much. overpowered, helps bolt stall decks too much.
1 Theme (Elements chosen, Name, Genre), name fits, element fits the name, but the effect does not lend itself to be very useful to

0 Support for new deck types, i dont know if it really would inspire a new deck type as much as it may be useful in existing decks
3 Total
quantum locket
2 Originality first card i have seen with a target element pool function (even if it was discussed in this topic), it can shift to be any element
3 Balance functions as a pillar but can be changed whimsically
1 Theme (Elements chosen, Name, Genre) locket seems to indicate a storage mechanic, which this card does not have
3 Support for new deck types, i could see this card allowing trio and quarto decks with its shifting quantum production on an in-demand basis.
9 Total
primal quantum (my own card- just for score comparison, not to be used in deciding a winner)
2 Originality first pillar producing permanent
2 Balance after the math was flushed out in oldtree's post
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26935.msg367268#msg367268 it turned out to be very weak early in the game, but began to pay dividends later if constantly used. a reduction in cost and a hard limit on how many pillars may be placed would be a good solution.
1 Theme (Elements chosen, Name, Genre), the name indicates it can advance to any type, which fits, and the ability names describe in which manner.

may or may not be the best choice, as entropy is supposed to be leading towards disorder, however in terms of the actual theme of entropy in game, it fits best here.
3 Support for new deck types, the unupped benefits rainbows while the upgraded benefits a wide range of decks from monos up to potentially quartos.
8 Total
2 Originality, based on creature elements
2 Balance slightly underpowered, robbing peter to pay paul
1 Theme (Elements chosen, Name, Genre) name fits, 'other' element feels like a cop-out.
2 Support for new deck types, it would support some trios and quartos, but only if there was creatures of the desired elements in play.
7 Total
1 Originality, mirror quantum use is new, sacrificing creatures is not
1 Balance pretty underpowered, sacrificing a creature for just 1 pillar, at a cost of your marks element, has limited uses. reduce the activation cost
1 Theme (Elements chosen, Name, Genre) while mirror kinda fits with the shininess of a jewel, i do not see the need for the ability cost to also be mirror
1 Support for new deck types, a new sacrifice mechanic may help with decks which have an abundance of creatures and still in need of pillars to get more of the pillars they need, it doesnt add much in terms of which new decks can be created with it.
4 Total
2 Originality a twist on discarding
1 Balance, very underpowered, the random quantum will likely be less effective than a simple quantum pillar, but it does help with nightmare, for what thats worth. give it some stats to help.
2 Theme (Elements chosen, Name, Genre), clever, i like it all around.
0 Support for new deck types, it doesnt really help build new decks in terms of quantum generation
5 Total
gift of thetis
1 Originality a more focused nova, kinda.
3 Balance seems alright
1 Theme (Elements chosen, Name, Genre), seems like it fits, but it just feels a little ho-hum.
1 Support for new deck types, it will help monos, duos and trios with

, but water already kinda works in those roles already.
6 Total
top 3: quantum locket (9), primal quantum (8, not to be included in results), refractor (7)
bottom card: invigorate (3, not to be included in the results)
most frequent scores: 6 (3), 4 (2)
average score: 5.8