It looks great for both of us!

URL not showing is not a problem at all.
Thank you ;P
Deck Renaming functionalitty was added. Check 'Decks' menu

Average Cards Left by the end statistics added.
Note that this data will not be required to insert: Leaving the field empty will assume you don't want to keep track on that and insert "0 Cards Left on deck".
If for some reason you want to set the average cards left on deck to a specific value that you roughly estimate, pm me with your nickname, name of deck, and nr of cards left on deck you wish.
Of course, this will not be precise since no data about that was collected until now.
On a side note, we're also changing game version to 1.18 soon (after adding yet another feature) in Elements Statistics, and as mentioned earlier, that will cause for statistics to be displayed separately, they won't get mixed, so if your table seems suddenly empty its just normal.
You will be able to check old statistics by selecting the version you wish to check at, right near where you choose which deck you want to check out.
Version changed to 1.18.
Number of cards won statistics added (optional, same rules apply here than for cards left on deck).
You should all be inserting battles on a new table already. As mentioned earlier, previous data was not deleted and still is accessible to check it out.