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Messages - Jonybat (14)

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Elements Statistics
« on: May 25, 2010, 09:13:03 pm »

Frozen just changed the minimum requirement to 4 chars for both register and login.

The weird thing is that the register always had that min 5 chars requisite, so we would like to know how did you (and some more users  ::) ) managed to register. So, we would appreciate to everyone that managed to trick the system, reply here with the approximate date of registration, the browser used (and version) and any additional info that you think that could be relevant.

Have fun  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Elements Statistics
« on: May 24, 2010, 06:22:40 pm »

Sorry about that. That bug was caused when the site was updated 2 days ago, due to the existence of a development version of it.

It should be fixed later today (i don't have access to the server).

Take care ;)

In-game Troubleshooting / Re: Banned?
« on: February 08, 2010, 07:18:29 pm »
I didn't even remembered that, cause i think my brother plays this also, but its really rare. One thing i know, he surely wasn't playing when i got banned for the second time, cause it was like 5am  :-X

But anyways, it had to come from somewhere.

It is ok now for me  ;)


In-game Troubleshooting / Re: Banned?
« on: February 08, 2010, 04:49:17 am »
Ok, just to check, are you testing something or did the game just banned me automatically...again?!

I was doing T50, won 2/3 cards, sold them and then in one game the disconnected button started flashing. Opened a new tab with the game, like i always did when i get disconnected, but this time when pressing the button it hanged on "Saving...". Reloaded the page, login, and there it was...banned again  ::)

In-game Troubleshooting / Re: Banned?
« on: February 08, 2010, 04:10:56 am »
It is...thanks  ;)

Could i know the reason?

In-game Troubleshooting / Re: Banned?
« on: February 08, 2010, 01:43:28 am »
Thanks for the answer.

Just checked and i still can not login. My IP is 85.242.199.x.


In-game Troubleshooting / Re: Banned?
« on: February 07, 2010, 11:32:28 pm »
Nop...i never used a proxy to connect to the game nor connected to it from a public place  ::)

EDIT: I've just connected to it from a proxy (from Italy apparently) and its all fine with my account. So the question is, why is my home IP banned?

In-game Troubleshooting / Re: Banned?
« on: February 07, 2010, 07:46:18 pm »
Well, i said that cause it was the only odd thing i did, but i don't think that it was the problem. That is because i remember doing oracle after 1.19 was released, at least once.

In-game Troubleshooting / Re: Banned?
« on: February 07, 2010, 07:17:43 pm »
Ty for the answer...

Winning money to fast?...i wish xD. If there is a way to see my stats, you will see that i have about 600 coins or so.

Actually the only thing i've been doing in game was T50 with the poison deck. I got tired of FGs. The only odd thing i did was before 1.19 were released, that was logging in beta to spin the oracle, and then get back to the main game for a couple of T50s. I haven't played much, only a few T50s like i said.


In-game Troubleshooting / Banned?
« on: February 07, 2010, 06:02:22 pm »

I just tried to log in and got the message "You have been banned from Elements". Can someone explain me what happened? I guess i didn't even logged yesterday (cause i don't remember which card i got in the oracle), so i can't say exactly tell when this started.

Oh, and btw, that topic with the script ain't that funny when you really are banned.


General Discussion / Re: Elements Statistics
« on: January 28, 2010, 03:06:27 am »
Yup, we are aware of that.

Thats why we created the guest account and shared the login info in here, but that was not forgotten, just postponed. We were watching the people's response to the website, but that should be added soon :)

Thanks for the comment ;)

General Discussion / Re: Elements Statistics
« on: January 28, 2010, 01:23:58 am »
Yea, we get it...i mean, Frozen does  :P

Just a brief update...
The Average Cards Left statistics were updated to what it was supposed to be in the beginning. Basically, the Losses were taking part in the average results, which does not make much sense since when you loose (and its not a Deck Out) is either due to a bad hand or dead by damage (bad game either ways) and it doesn't matter how many cards you had left cause that was not due to more or less cards on deck. For those who didn't got this text, check this   :D (oh, and that was done by the coder, not me...thats why it was done in paint  :P )

Also, we have noticed that some users might be browsing our website with JavaScript disabled. Currently there are some features (most of them) that need it enabled and do not give any kind of warning if it is disabled. We are working to enable warnings for when it is disabled and also reduce the need of it in some cases.

About the issues with the bandwidth, we will have to wait for another user access spike (maybe next weekend) to see if it was an isolated incident or not.

Have fun ;)

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