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New ideas for debuffs https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5773.msg59067#msg59067
« on: April 25, 2010, 06:08:45 pm »
I changed the title because people posted buffs as well.

New ideas or buuf or debuffs

I thought it would be a good idea to list ideas for new buffs and debuffs that we could use in card ideas. We already have poison, freeze, etc. What else could there be?

Here's a couple:

WeaknessCreature with weakness has its attack dropped in half.
DiseaseCreature with disease has it's HP dropped to 1. If it gets any kind of healing or HP buffs, the disease goes away.
Disease also infects each nearby creature at the end of turn. (nearby = creature slots that are next to each other).
ConfusionCreature with confusion has a 50% chance of attacking its owner (instead of the opponent) at the end of turn.

Post more ideas please, and I'll update the list

HeavyweightAttack is doubled. Attacks have a 50 % chance of missing.
Critical:Every attack has a 10 % chance of dealing 5 times the normal damage.
Malice:Attack damage is converted to poison damage.
WeakenCreature loses one attack point per turn.
DazedCreature has 60% chance to miss.
ConvertedCreature attacks owners quanta pool.
Pillar-kindAs an additional cost to play this creature, sacrifice a pillar of it's element
Soul Linkwhenever the creature takes damage it is instead directed to the owner (like a reverse gravity pull)
BlindCreature has a 50% miss chance
BleedingCosts 1 quanta of the appropriate type for turn for the next three turns. If an appropriate quanta is not found, it dies.
SlowedThe creature goes into stasis every time it attacks.
UnstableHas a 20% chance of dying each round
ExhaustionCreature's special abilities require more quanta to use (double or triple the amount).
RejuvenateCreature recovers HP over time (a counter to poison), but deals significantly less damage (X%).
BurningEvery time the creature successfully causes damage, they lose 1 AP (a Sundial or shield can prevent the burn effect).
ShrinkTurn the target creature into some small creature, like a photon or dragonfly or something.
ForgottenThe creature cannot be targeted by its owner.
Soul BoundThe creature won't die, but will go back to owner's hand (if hand is full it is discarded, instead of dead - won't feed graveyard/bonewall/vulture)
ReverberateWhen target creature receives damage, the owner of that creature receives the same amount of damage.
Massive SwingAttack is doubled but stuck in a time bubble for the next turn
ChaoticRandomly change the atk/hp to a sum of its original atk/hp (basically meaning if a creature was 3/3 it could become a 1/5 or 5/1 or anything inbetween)
ScizophreniaThe card turns into a random creature every turn.
De-armoredTarget creature receives +1 damage from all incoming damage sources.
SicknessTarget creatures gains 1 poison counter per turn. Surrounding creatures are poisoned if target creature survives for 2 or more turns.
StruggleTarget creature's ability cost 2 more quanta to use.
CombustionTarget creature receives one damage per turn. When target creature dies, all adjacent creatures receive 1 damage. This status is stackable. Damage to surrounding creatures when target creatures has more than 1 combustion is N where N equals total stack count of combustion divided by 2.
MobilityTarget creatures moves to an adjacent empty space and the end of each turn. Flood spaces are seen as empty to this status.
Traitorthe creature card swaps to the other side
WoundedCreature takes 50% extra damage from all sources
PacifyTarget creature can still use its active ability, but cannot attack. (This includes the attacks of Adrenaline)
PhasingPlace a doomclock on target creature. When doomclock hits 0, target creature is removed from play.
EnfeebleIf target's HP or Attack is higher than the other, equalize both to the lower value. (For a 1|2 creature, it'd bring it down to 1|1; for a Ruby Dragon, it'd go from 15|2 to 2|2)
SacrificeWhen target creature uses it's ability, it dies.
ExhaustedAfter target creature attacks, put it into a time bubble for 2 turns, remove Exhausted status.
BerserkerAttacks are doubled for three rounds, then creature collapses of exhaustion (is removed from play)
coming undonetarget creatures gains -1/-1 every turn.
Leadergains +1/1 (up to 10) for each creature from the same element of the creature  in play
HinderCreature suffers -2|-1 and (if currently under it's effects) loses the Momentum buff.
TerrorCreature cannot attack if the enemy has a creature with greater hp
suffocationinflicted creature loses 1 max health every turn, not stackable.
CHANGEthe target creature takes a random ability
TransferTwo creatures are targeted; the first gives the second 1 hp every turn
Mixed BlessingTarget creature gains -1|+1 every turn (even after it reaches 0/x)
SplitTarget creature splits into two every turn, attack and hp divided equally between them. Only one will retain the ability it had. (For example, a 12|3 creature with burrow would become two 6|1 creatures, one with burrow, and the next turn four 3|0 creatures, and again, one with burrow)
BerserkCreature randomly attacks any creature on the field, including your own. (except self) All other skills are removed.
ReversalCreature's attack and health are reversed.  *A 6/1 creature becomes a 1/6.*
ShuffleShuffle target players hand back into their deck and re-draws the same amount of cards they had back into their hand.
UniqueOnly one type of this creature can be on the field at a time. Remove all other copies of this creature from the field.
TremorAll creatures on the field receive 2 damage. Burrowed creatures receive double damage (4). Flying creatures are unaffected.
HurricaneAll creatures on the field take 2 damage. Flying creatures take double damage (4). Burrowed creatures are unaffected.


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Re: New ideas for debuffs https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5773.msg59071#msg59071
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2010, 06:16:32 pm »
I love Confusion. Disease seems complicated but fun. More ideas! But apparently, these are buffs, not debuffs. :( So ignore them if you like.

Attack is doubled. Attacks have a 50 % chance of missing.

Every attack has a 10 % chance of dealing 5 times the normal damage.

Attack damage is converted to poison damage.

Yeah, that last one seems... evil.

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Re: New ideas for debuffs https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5773.msg59101#msg59101
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2010, 07:07:15 pm »
Debuff thread Icy, those sound a lot more like buffs to me.

Weaken: Creature loses one attack point per turn.

Dazed: Creature has 60% chance to miss.

Converted: Creature attacks owners quanta pool.

Depressed: Creature is too sad to attack.**

**Not a serious idea. Only a joke.
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Re: New ideas for debuffs https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5773.msg60422#msg60422
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2010, 07:14:31 pm »
Entangle: (Basically like freeze/stun but for life)
Pillar-kind: As an additional cost to play this creature, sacrifice a pillar of it's element

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Re: New ideas for debuffs https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5773.msg60987#msg60987
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2010, 10:07:18 pm »
Disease should not infect ethereal (invulnerable) and death creatures?


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Re: New ideas for debuffs https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5773.msg61004#msg61004
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2010, 11:30:29 pm »
I don't think diesease should instantly lower hp to 1

Soul Link (Cause magic has lifelink and soul link would be better) whenever the creature takes damage it is instead directed to the owner (like a reverse gravity pull)
Paralysis: the affected creature has a 25% chance to be disabled for 3 turns on attack (or something along the lines)

meh will come up with more ides later


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Re: New ideas for debuffs https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5773.msg61759#msg61759
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2010, 04:11:28 pm »
Blind: Creature has a 50% miss chance

Bleeding: Costs 1 quanta of the appropriate type for turn for the next three turns. If an appropriate quanta is not found, it dies.

Slowed: The creature goes into stasis every time it attacks.

Unstable: Has a 20% chance of dying each round

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Re: New ideas for debuffs https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5773.msg62023#msg62023
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2010, 02:47:21 am »
Creature's special abilities require more quanta to use (double or triple the amount).

Creature recovers HP over time (a counter to poison), but deals significantly less damage (X%).

Burning (?):
Every time the creature successfully causes damage, they lose 1 AP (a Sundial or shield can prevent the burn effect).

Interesting topic indeed...


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Re: New ideas for debuffs https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5773.msg62070#msg62070
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2010, 05:00:17 am »
Depressed: Creature is too sad to attack.**

**Not a serious idea. Only a joke.
Emo: Creature wears trendy outfits, eyeliner, and is too Depressed to attack.**


I like Confusion and Weakness status a lot, though. Disease, I'm not too sure of that one. I'll come back suggest some debuffs when they come to mind.

Attack damage is converted to poison damage.
Why not add a card suggestion for a spell called "Enchanted Deadly Poison" that gives a creature a Pufferfish skill or something?  :)

Re: New ideas for debuffs https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5773.msg62996#msg62996
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2010, 10:38:24 pm »
Great ideas! What about...

Shrink = Turn the target creature into some small creature, like a photon or dragonfly or something.

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forgotten https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5773.msg67480#msg67480
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2010, 07:48:18 am »
forgotten: creature is not targetable by its owner
soul bound: creature won't die, but rather go back to owner's hand (if hand is full it is discarded, instead of dead - won't feed graveyard/bonewall/vulture)


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Re: New ideas for debuffs https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5773.msg67949#msg67949
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2010, 02:47:26 am »
Repercussion: When target creature receives damage, the owner of that creature receives the same amount of damage.  :D

Edit: Reverberate sounds a lot better.  :) I just went with "Repercussion" while trying to get the word to flow off my tongue.

