What are the known card ideas 'taboos' (ideas that are frowned upon, such as controlling an enemy creature) and why are they labeled as so?
Everyone should know this: Card Idea Taboos are merely guidelines with a bite. Only break a taboo if you have a good reason. If you have a good reason then break a taboo. Humans are fallible and the taboos originate from humans.
There are 3 types of 'taboos'
1) Vetoed by Zanz or otherwise impossible to add
These are taboo because they are a waste of the suggestion author's time to suggest.
2) Disliked by the community
The community has negative reactions to these suggestions whether or not the suggestion deserves such reactions.
3) Difficult to balance
These are cards with such problems balancing that they seem to have contradicting balance requirements (Ex: Must cost X such that 4


). These cards probably can be balanced but it is no easy task and the community recommends only attempting if you are experienced. Experience is tied to skill not to seniority.
13th Element (Zanz veto)
Simultaneous player actions (Multiplayer cannot be restructured to allow that)
Costs like

(Zanz veto)
Instant Kill without regard to hp (Zanz included a few but noted his general dislike)
Instant Kill without regard to hp
'Excessive' denial
Moderately complex cards (Dislike grows with the complexity)
Swap Attack and Hp (Attack and Hp are valued on different scales.)
Steal Creature (Temporary steal creature + Cremation/Catapult = Instant Kill, Permanent steal creature = Instant Kill)
Just made a few cards about Time, wanna get some comments
Suspension Clock / Suspension Shield : A new shield for time elements, able to delay and suspend damage
Time Slip / Time Displacement : A new spell that can speed up something, dim. shield bewares !
Temporal Loop / Eternal Loop : New form of time creature, with true immortality and good synergy with death element
Book of Prophecy / Code of Genesis : Manipulate the future !
Distant Future / End of Time : Synergy with air element, permanent control for time
Suspension Clock / Suspension Shield
Around the power of a 40%|60% miss chance shield. Compare with Dusk Shield.
SC = 5

+ 1 card + 3 (shield slot) = 9 -> ~40%
SS = 6

+ 1 card + 3 (shield slot) +1.5 (upgrade) = 11.5 -> ~60%
DS = 6

+ 1 card + 3 (shield slot) = 10 -> 50%
Time Slip / Time Displacement
Limited reliable usages:
1) Infection
2) Acceleration
3) ? (usually 3 strategies is a minimum)
Whose deck is affected by the upgraded? The creature's owner? The caster (current effect)? The opponent? This also has limited usage.
Temporal Loop / Eternal Loop
4,3,2,1,8,6,4,2,16,12,8,4,32,24,16,8 ... attack
Fulfills you design goal perfectly but balance is an interesting question.
4,4,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,6,6,6,8,9,9,9 ... average damage per turn (rounded to whole number)
I expect it is balanced as is but I am not sure.
Book of Prophecy / Code of Genesis
Both give card filtering. Scarabs is the only potential abuse I can think of and I do not expect that to be unbalanced.
This card might be as revolutionary as Crusader or it might not be. Having that potential is one of the signs that the card might be a great design instead of merely a good or poor design.
I'm stuck with how I should pursue this card idea:
Ultimately, which of the two is better and would fare better under the curators' scrutiny in considerations for the Crucible?
Curators do not veto card ideas. They merely require consistent formatting. Just make sure when you correct "ariborne" to "airborne" you do it in both the card image and the card text.
The easiest balance mechanic for this card is having it affect both sides equally.
There is a difference but not much of a difference between it lasting 1 or 4 turns.