What are your thoughts on Algrator | Logthregor (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30712.0.html) ?
If it is to be working with active abilities, how do you think the Crusader loop can be balanced?
It appears to be an inverted crusader with barely any modifications. Typically inversion changes the environment in such a manner that drastically changing the ability is possible without obstructing the end goal. A drastically different ability that achieved the same goal would add much more to EtG than a simple inversion.
Algrator (made up word) can, as a weapon, become a creature. Crusader cannot become a weapon.
The Crusader loop is not the problem. The Crusader involvement would be balanced if the Algrator loop were balanced AND if the activation cost was set at the appropriate constant*.
The Algrator loop begins with it able to target itself combined with the lack of support of an X activation cost in the game. Thus for some activation cost per turn a flown Algrator will get a permanent Dive or better. This is the problem of something with endow (or any slight modification) being able to target something else with endow (or any slight modification). The easiest solution is removing the +X. The second easiest solution is only getting the +X. The third easiest solution is changing the card so it will never get the opportunity to target endow (or its ability). This would include targeting passives only (I would recommend against that) but would not include a simple exception of Endow. I am sure there are harder solutions like balancing permanent Chaos Power augmented diving or changing the ability like Reprisal (forge, permanent) did but none spring to mind right now that were not already done.
* (Advice meant to be applicable even if costs and elements change)
Can the Crusader loop be used using only

? If so set the activation cost equal to


or 6


Can the Crusader loop be used using only 1 non

quanta type? If so set the activation cost equal to


or 4


If the loops takes 3 different quanta types then I think you would be wise to modify it.