Unlike last round which just had the same neutral effect for all elements, this card is stupidly biased towards team
, elements that mash well enough with
to actually pack bunch of their cards in the vault, and additionally gives free-to-play Holy Flash to further negatively impact
It also makes
best strategy to just use Rastafla (as
sub and guy that actually has all cards upped) for most of their matches if their other players cant afford upgrades, which completely goes against "hey, lets involve rookies/new players in such an epic event like War".
Even though one might justify "oh its random, every element has its card", it is still NOT a fair card - some elements wont even survive long enough to see their card in play, and some will be able to field 1-2 decks when Vaults start shrinking. Random does not mean fair, random means luck.
In an event that has limits on Vault, and limits on deckbuilding, one can NOT adopt its strategy to such cards now. It just means some teams will get completely unnecessary bonus in fights. Do we really need this? Seriously, do we need this? Cant we just have fun trying to best our opponents using hopefully skill, without invisible forces completely screwing you with no good reason? I dont see how much fun this card is to
rookie that will fight Xdude who can take fully upgraded deck atm. I dont see how much fun this card is to anyone that dont have
cards in the vault.