<EDIT>a "little" modification to the deck:
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4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vc 55q 5ig 5ig 5l9 5oc 5rg 5ro 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5uk 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 621 621 7ak 8pu
should work with unupgraded shield
this deck is cheap, but can be hard to use for complete newbies
win rates:
Incarnate/Miracle/Neptune/Paradox 90%
Gemini/Destiny/Osiris 60%
Fire Queen 40%
strategy:common:ITS ONLY AGAINST GODS, dont try it against t50/pvp/lvl3/etc., cuz a single pernament control will result in ur loss
the goal is to draw all ur cards, then heal with purple nymph, and damage with black/blue nymph (either reverse-vampire, or unstable gas)
there r 30 cards in the deck, u draw 7 at start (that leaves 23), u got 5 sundial (that leaves 18 round to draw all ur cards), and u got 5*3+5 rounds protection (=20), and u probably wont die in the first 5 round, so that leaves ~7 protected round after u got all ur cards (use ur eternity to rewind the photon, so u dont run out of cards to draw)
a game will be around 25-30 turns in most cases
some tip:antimatter ur own nymph to avoid shield effect
dont use sundial/phase shield until theres an enemy creature out
dont use sundial/phase shield at the same time
use phase shield instead of sundial, if u got no light quanta, but otherway use ur sundials first
u dont need Quintessence/Jade shield for some gods, so feel free to throw them away when u got 8 cards in hand
momentum should be used on the strongest enemy creatures in most cases, right before u use antimatter on it, so u can heal back while ur still under the phase shield's protection
dont use ur eternity on enemy creatures, unless u have a time pillar out pretty soon, and u must remove a momentum (against Osirs)
Miracle/Incarnate/Neptune/Paradox:use black nymph for damage with Miracle, blue nymph with others (its faster dmg)
wait as long as u can before u put out ur first sundial, the rest will be easy (for Incarnate, dont use black nymph on the vampires, they will drain back the - damage anyway)
for Neptune, save ur momentum for ur purple nymph
Gemini:use phase shield as soon as the first creature appeares, and sundial when they get momentum, then just antimatter his creatures with momentum as soon as u can
i recommend using blue nymph against it
Destiny:concentrate on getting ur black nymph out as soon as possible (but not without quintessence), to remove the skills of fallen druid, possibly harmfull creatures (mutant with steel/destroy, or a hatched nymph), or ur blue nymph to kill the unhatced eggs and druids
u can loose if he gets out something with pernament/quanta control before u can disable it
Fire Queen:similar to Gemini, u need to keep ur HP quite high, cuz he ll use fire lances on u + his weapon deals 7 dmg (u get it when u use Sundial)
get enough heal, and put out Jade shield as soon as possible (remember that antimattered creatures will do full dmg, while normal dmg will be reduced by 2)
be careful with Farenheit, as it will do -5+fire/5 dmg antimattered (thats 60 dmg with 300

generate 10 unstable gas and ignite them all at once
Osiris:try antimattering his creatures with momentum, and kill him with unstable gas
use ur mometum on ur blue nymph, or on the purple nymph if u must to avoid death, or use it on purple, and antimatter ur blue
if u can play a eternity early, u can rewind his momentumed creatures
Jade Shield will help a lot in the endgame
original post (ignore it):heres a cheap (1116 electrum) deck, with no upgrades and no rares
the basic idea isnt mine, credit goes here:
http://elementsthegame.wikia.com/wiki/Tri-Color_Nymph_Deck (
the idea is to use purple nymph's antimatter on the opponents creatures, then grant them vampirism with the Darkness Nymph, so they kill themself, ignoring all shield
as this deck is not upgraded, its quite slow, so i put in some dim shield to buy some time
the best in this deck is that the longer the battle, the more chance u have to win (so if u lose, u lose fast)
win rate is around 20% (no statistic made)
u are certeain to lose against pernament controlling gods (defrag, steel, quicksand), cuz they destroy ur pillars
its also a bit hard to win against momentum and poison, but not impossible
stongest against Miracle, its a win 9/10 times, weekest against Divine Glory and quicksand users (dont even bother with them)
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4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5ig 5ig 5ig 5ig 5ig 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 621 621 621 621 621 8pj
ok, im ready for comments