Quick Facts:
- Endow is generally associated with the Light element.
- Creatures can be given this ability as a result of Mutation.
- This ability can be Lobotomized.
- Cards with this ability:
Endow is an ability that, for a quanta cost, boosts the attack power of the creature by the attack power of the target weapon, gains all statuses of the weapon (if it is flying, frozen etc.) and replace its ability with the weapon’s. It also boosts the HP by 2.
Endow can be used on weapons, including the opponent’s, in the weapon permanent slot and flown/animated weapons. For animated weapons, Endow takes the current attack power, meaning that any attack power boost on the weapon is transferred to the creature.
Immaterial weapons such as Morning Star | Morning Glory or ones targted by Enchant Artifact | Protect Artifact cannot be targeted by Endow. Flying immaterial weapons also cannot be targeted.
Endow is available via mutation to a creature. However the chance is not large and shall not be relied on.