Question 1:
If your team can build 6 legal decks, your team has to fight 6 times. If you don't fight, you forfeit and lose 30 cards.
This all seems reasonable and normal, but...
If team has 90 (6*15) cards of their element, but makes 5 decks with those, and picks 30 random cards for "forfeit" (this deck is not legal), is that ok? Seems better than making 6 bad decks.
IMO, that should be allowed, but essentially gives free win to "chosen" element 6th deck is up against.EDIT: this has been answered while I was typing...
Question 2:Team has enough cards to make only 5 legal decks - means one play is skipping a round here.
So far seeding has been done randomly by selecting players names. Who will decide which player is out for the round? If its master (which is reasonable), thats one more step in the communication that has to be done BEFORE the seeding (masters should know this in time to organize their team).
Other possibility would be to seed just elements, and let masters fill spaces with player names (masters will have special seeding so they dont manipulate masters vs masters match).
Question 3:There is a huge chance that there will be odd number of legal decks in total. What happens to the lonely deck? Gets a bye? What if that bye deck is the only deck one team can make? Sits through while others beat up on each other?
Question / Suggestion 4 (wrong thread, but to limit spam

After certain number of rounds, it is quite possible that some teams will have more alien cards than their own cards in the vault, as you're mostly looting cards from other elements, while when you lose, you lose shitload of your own element cards.
How about a system of "trading prisoners" 2:1 - 2 cards from other element for 1 card of your own element, done at the same time as salvaging cards?