how will people spending money on goods and services that other american's give going to directly help the government?
We have had a major tax break for too many years now and look at what it has done! History.... No Recent history and our current situation discredits the whole "taxbreaks are best" idea.
It's more complicated then you say. First people get taxed less, then they can spend more simple enough. Second business earn more through peoples use of the business and spending from the peoples tax cuts. Third Business gets tax cuts and through them earning more AND being taxed less now they can GROW. This means they can hire more people and that means more people make money and that means more people spend money. Also during all this spending that has been going on, very likely government will tax the transactions therefore earning more off the growth. Also from the Growth in wealth in the people and business they will have more income to tax even if it is at a lower percentage the growth will outweigh the percentage loss.
And for the second comment I quoted in last 10 years we have been involved in a number of wars which cost this country waaay to much money. A long with Fannie and Freddie all but imploding the housing bubble. Then you have the government propping up wall street with tax payers money. A number of examples of how the government again spent to much, both democrat and republicans, don't forget the last 4 years were democrat run. The house was taken back by democrats in 2006, Democrats are just guilty as republicans for spending to much.
And while you have those tax breaks and wait for thier effects to come full swing you give the government less money to spend with. remember the governments debt is the issue, and also I do agree with some of what you said but will the tax cuts be any better? I know numbers being exact are way too much to ask for on a subject like this, but will tax breaks really be enough?
Also I would like to agree I am not 100% against tax breaks/cuts so long as they are targeted and well thought out. For example though broad as it may be, You have $1,000,000,000,000 you are spend on tax breaks. You can either give 100,000,000 of our poorest an average of 1,000 tax breaks, or you can give the rich a tax break. If you choose the rich you will be handing it to less people and the rich don't stay rich by spending their money, they save it, thus the only way the rich should have a tax break is if they show they give back to this country and keep the money flowing. I am not a "spread the wealth" guy, I am a "keep the cash flowing" guy. That being said if you give that money to the poor instead it will almost ALL be pumped right back into this country with great speed.
So I am not against tax cuts, but I have to be proven that they wont be the same old same old BS.
Now if you raise taxes it should not be blind just like tax cuts. I should have made this clear. In fact you need some sort of tax cut to blance them. Those that spend money should not have to pay as high of taxes. I really should have gone into detail, my bad. All to often I get into a debate with someone that screams tax cuts and that they are best.
Sorry if I screwed something up in my post I think I need to get to bed.