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Messages - redrox (30)

Pages: [1] 2 3
Politics / Re: What is your opinion about Wikileaks?
« on: March 05, 2011, 05:10:57 pm »
Wikileaks is a patsy, being used by the government to leak the information it wants to be leaked and start problems.  i.e. it's believed the problems in tunisia started due to wikileaked documents.  Also if you believe a private in the military got above confidential access to leak the documents to wikileaks then I have a bridge in san francisco to sell you.  Private Manning is just a pawn.  Yes government disclosure is good, but only if it is real disclosure.  Not just the government playing political chess with their released information.

Politics / Pray for Egypt
« on: January 29, 2011, 05:43:58 am »
As the title says...

Pray for the people in Egypt fighting for the lives and liberty.  This is a very big deal and a possible sign of whats to come with the growing economic collapses across the globe.

Politics / Re: US Democratic Party: Evil Incarnate
« on: January 17, 2011, 10:32:41 pm »
Would it be better to split it up between ideological views.  i.e. Conservative, Liberal, Libertarian?  Many don't like to affiliate them self with a party but will affiliate them self with an ideology.

Politics / Re: US Democratic Party: Evil Incarnate
« on: January 17, 2011, 09:45:20 pm »
Of course it doesn't mean to vote repub.  It means to actually get to know the canidates and get informed on there views and ideology and make an informed vote.  I don't think either side is good.   But there are good people if we can just get them elected in to make a positive change.

Politics / Re: US Democratic Party: Evil Incarnate
« on: January 17, 2011, 09:21:45 pm »
Yea the party changed, why bother being racist when you can just keep a race under your thumb by making them dependent on food stamps and welfare.

Politics / Re: US Democratic Party: Evil Incarnate
« on: January 17, 2011, 01:27:28 am »
Obamacare is a republican myth. Obama never planned to have mandatory state run health care, his idea was an option paid for by taxes without getting rid of any existing health care providers. If anyting republicans should get behind this bill because it would've actually provided more options and give more incentive for big business health care providers to step up their game. Instead we ended up with a watered down bill that doesn't even address the issue.

But the KKK are so conservative they want to repeal liberal legislation. Its almost like you didn't think before you typed that.
You're first point about obamacare is an all out lie.  Obama has been quoted many times saying he is a proponent of single payer health care.  Meaning state run health care, he still wants single payer,  obamacare is just the path to that goal.  You have to bankrupt the insurance companies so the government can step in and take control of health care which is 1/6 gdp.

As for your 2nd point I dare you to educate yourself and google "number of black abortions"  you will find tons of sites stating that abortion is the New genocide.  But wait isn't pro choice a major point for all democrats, dang that almost sounds racist, that genocide thing and all.   Just saying pull your head out of the sand.

Politics / Re: US Republican Party: Evil Incarnate.
« on: January 16, 2011, 11:47:47 am »
Interesting read from an cbs poll.  77% want to cut spending only 9% want to raise taxes.

Politics / Re: US Democratic Party: Evil Incarnate
« on: January 16, 2011, 06:48:46 am »
Better stay off them internets then cause I hear people post racist stuff on them darn internets and that would make the internets racist omg!

Politics / Re: US Republican Party: Evil Incarnate.
« on: January 16, 2011, 06:44:25 am »
Then the government needs to live by a budget and stop printing money out of thin air.  Then we wouldn't be in a defecit.

Politics / Re: US Republican Party: Evil Incarnate.
« on: January 16, 2011, 06:30:16 am »
The rich already pay 60% of there income how much more do you need?  100%?

Politics / Re: US Democratic Party: Evil Incarnate
« on: January 16, 2011, 06:25:19 am »
From the site. Maybe you should try checking it some time.
Grants for hispanics is "pork", and liberals "need another minority group to pander to."

Or how about this gem
"Reverse racism", wtf does that even mean?
And the points you bring up are comments from people who use the site, and post there.  Therefore by your logic I could post racist material on this forum and it would then be a racist site as well. 

Politics / Re: US Democratic Party: Evil Incarnate
« on: January 16, 2011, 03:46:00 am »
Citing an openly racist site where the contributors want to remove parts of American history from text books as your source for American politics is a pretty good move. Thanks for letting us all know you're a bigot with no concern for the truth.
And where do you get this information from?  I don't see any openly racist comments or links on this page.  Seems to me you just throwing crap and hope it sticks.

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