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Re: US Republican Party: Evil Incarnate. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7539.msg247032#msg247032
« Reply #48 on: January 14, 2011, 01:48:27 am »
@ Redrox: I never said anything about rich people, I said it about greedy people, Unless you are admiting that all rich people are greedy but I would have to disagree with that. Also poor people can help others.


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Re: US Republican Party: Evil Incarnate. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7539.msg247034#msg247034
« Reply #49 on: January 14, 2011, 01:49:43 am »
Do you believe the Left isn't bought off by Unions??  Both sides play the same game, their money just comes from different interests.  Solution here is to limit the power of both sides, reduced government.  Right now the Average Federal Worker is making 75K a year, Average private citizen is making 50k a year hmm seems to me that the private sector is working for the government not the other way around which it should be.
Yes I believe the left isn't bought off by unions because unions and leftist policy naturally go hand in hand. They don't need to buy each other off because at the core they have the same goals. They work along side each other, not for each other.

The republican party once stood for smaller government and not interfering with big business, however Reaganomics actually introduced reason for the republican party and big business to pat each other on the butt. Because of the nature of trickle down economics (which have actually created the largest poverty rates in U.S. history) business has reason to buy protection and tax cuts from the party. The reason rich people get tax breaks is so they can feed the republican party, the reason the republican party scratches the back of big business is because big business funds them.

The way to prevent the government from needing the business and from business being protected by the government is to deincentivize the government in that relationship. The logical way to do that is to empower the government and take power away from lobbyists. If businesses can't lobby and pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to push through the bills and funding they want there is no reason for the government to give them any breaks. Makes sense to me.

You live in America wrong country to be a socialist in?  Also if socialism is so great then why has it failed and is failing across the globe?  You think Greece is doing well?  How's that socialism in France doing with riots in the street for raising there retirement age?  How's that Socialism in England doing with riots over the raised costs of Education?
Are you some kind of libertarian idiot(not that there are any other kinds of libertarians.)? Look at Sweden, Norway, and Holland. All of England's failings are because of clinging to conservatism and not embracing their more liberal ideas. Furthermore fighting against the rise in cost of education is a liberal thing to do, if the government paid for education there would be no need to complain. Good job providing a counter-argument to your own moot point.

As for France, it happens? I don't think socialism is right for every country, however I do believe that socialisation of important programs such as education, welfare, medicine, and science do go a long way, especially when the government can afford it.

And as far as I'm concerned if you're anti-government and not willing to pay a decent chunk of your pay check to support America and America's people than it is you who happens to be in the wrong country. If you don't believe your country is worth your money you are unpatriotic.

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Re: US Republican Party: Evil Incarnate. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7539.msg247148#msg247148
« Reply #50 on: January 14, 2011, 05:17:35 am »
I suggest anyone who hasnt, read this thread.
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Re: US Republican Party: Evil Incarnate. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7539.msg247152#msg247152
« Reply #51 on: January 14, 2011, 05:26:20 am »
lol that was awesome BluePriest.  Good read.


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Re: US Republican Party: Evil Incarnate. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7539.msg247177#msg247177
« Reply #52 on: January 14, 2011, 07:09:36 am »
Are you some kind of libertarian idiot

Furthermore fighting against the rise in cost of education is a liberal thing to do, if the government paid for education there would be no need to complain. Good job providing a counter-argument to your own moot point.

If you don't believe your country is worth your money you are unpatriotic.
First I'm not calling names here sad to see you have to resort to this.

Second they have to raise the cost of education because of the problem of socialism is it always runs out of peoples money to spend.  Surprising you couldn't do the math for that.  England is also right now making a number of other conservative moves to save its government from going broke.  Such as reduce the size of government employees and reduce there deficit for one example.

Third I pay taxes and never said I didn't, good job on the assuming though really shows a good quality of character.


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Re: US Republican Party: Evil Incarnate. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7539.msg247329#msg247329
« Reply #53 on: January 14, 2011, 02:46:36 pm »
Are you some kind of libertarian idiot

Furthermore fighting against the rise in cost of education is a liberal thing to do, if the government paid for education there would be no need to complain. Good job providing a counter-argument to your own moot point.

If you don't believe your country is worth your money you are unpatriotic.
First I'm not calling names here sad to see you have to resort to this.

Second they have to raise the cost of education because of the problem of socialism is it always runs out of peoples money to spend.  Surprising you couldn't do the math for that.  England is also right now making a number of other conservative moves to save its government from going broke.  Such as reduce the size of government employees and reduce there deficit for one example.

Third I pay taxes and never said I didn't, good job on the assuming though really shows a good quality of character.
You may have not called names directly but you are unsulting the other side of the debate with by assuming alot of very little, ect...


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Re: US Republican Party: Evil Incarnate. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7539.msg247495#msg247495
« Reply #54 on: January 14, 2011, 06:31:40 pm »
Second they have to raise the cost of education because of the problem of socialism is it always runs out of peoples money to spend.  Surprising you couldn't do the math for that.
Really? You're atacking socialism when I never said I was a socialist, I said I was closer to socialist than I am to democrat. But lets look at the richest countries by GDP for 2010 to prove my point.

1. Qatar - has mandatory government funded schooling and non-profit hospitals.
2. Luxembourg - alright, you've got me, a place with low taxation
3. Norway - Not only do they have high taxes, but pretty much everything is paid for by the government. They also ranked first in standard of living for 2010. Get this, 3rd richest country in the world with the happiest people on Earth, highly socialistic.
4. Brunei - So socialist that the government actually subsidizes their biggest crop.
5. Singapore - A mixed market capitalism where the government owns the firms that account for 60% of the GDP. So while yes they're capitalism at the core the government controls most  of the money. Socialism-lite?

4 out of the top 5 richest countries have adopted socialist ideas in some form. Meanwhile in America we have conservatives like yourself who want less government. Reagan was for small government and left a 4.7 billion dollar debt, Bush Jr.'s tax cuts left us with a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit. The only president to take office since then rise of neo-conservatism to leave with a projected surplus was Clinton (note that there wasn't an actual surplus). I expect Obama to have a slightly higher deficit because he hasn't succesfully managed to raise taxes. Conservatism has pretty much bankrupted America.

Edit: Worst typo ever.


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Re: US Republican Party: Evil Incarnate. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7539.msg247517#msg247517
« Reply #55 on: January 14, 2011, 07:03:12 pm »
Here's a read for you.

Does hiking tax rates raise more revenue?


Good luck hoping that raising taxes will fix the countries  problems.


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Re: US Republican Party: Evil Incarnate. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7539.msg247527#msg247527
« Reply #56 on: January 14, 2011, 07:26:12 pm »
Here's a read for you.

Does hiking tax rates raise more revenue?


Good luck hoping that raising taxes will fix the countries  problems.
So instead you suggest what exactly? Cutting out the government's primary source of income since the majority of the manufacturing as been sent overseas. Taxation doesn't immediately equal magic money cure, but it works a HELL of a lot better that trickle-down regananomic I love my money and you're not seeing a cent bullshit. Frankly both parties are pretty far gone. The whole party system was opposed by George Washington because he predicted it would only cause people to bicker and fight instead of getting things done, as well as public opinion to be owned by corporations. I am against the republican party because the majority of their funding comes from oil companies and the majority of their practices in recent years have been avoid any situation that hurts the businesses funding me. Try here: http://www.opensecrets.org/news/2010/10/oil-and-gas-contributions-still-rising.html (http://www.opensecrets.org/news/2010/10/oil-and-gas-contributions-still-rising.html)
Both parties are being funded by corrupt oil companies, but if you look at the dems getting funding, it's the ones that are losing their local races because people have found out about it, and many small groups are fighting hard against it. And the republicans being funded are becoming party leaders and speaker of the house.


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Re: US Republican Party: Evil Incarnate. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7539.msg247542#msg247542
« Reply #57 on: January 14, 2011, 07:46:20 pm »
Here's a read for you.

Does hiking tax rates raise more revenue?


Good luck hoping that raising taxes will fix the countries  problems.
???*Bangs head on wall*
So you think that we should keep taxes lowered? You want to lower the governments main source of money? Also I am not even going to click that link because it leads "blog.marketwatch" and something about that name just sounds untrust worthy.  :))
Raising taxs helps, it's the reason that in every war besides our last 2 we always raised taxes, and we did it for a reason. Also look at what happned because taxes were cut and not raised in the past 10 or so years! You don't have to be that smart to put 2 and 2 together here.   ;)


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Re: US Republican Party: Evil Incarnate. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7539.msg247859#msg247859
« Reply #58 on: January 15, 2011, 02:59:46 am »
We're 14 trillion in debt from both sides of the parties spending too much money.  So you believe giving them more money will fix their spending problem.  When there is a significant amount of evidence out there that proves raising taxes does NOT raise revenue. Due to the fact when taxes are raised people spend less cause they have less, this affects business and people alike.  This is what my link I posted was about, but you choose to keep your head in the sand and not read, good choice.  The dollar will crash its just a matter of when, unless you can get the government to cut back on how it spends plain and simple.  I think I should be the one banging my head on the wall here.

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Re: US Republican Party: Evil Incarnate. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7539.msg247865#msg247865
« Reply #59 on: January 15, 2011, 03:05:47 am »
Conservatism has pretty much bankrupted America.
lol.  every president spends more than they should.  Clinton did pretty good though.  But to say "conservatism has pretty much bankrupted America"!!!???

There is a reason why Democrats stereotypically raise taxes; in order to be able to spend more!  Its not like they are doing it to get us out of debt.  No president wants to be known as the man/woman who didn't do anything (which would probably help more than anything they've ever done lol).  I'm not putting it on the President exclusively by any means, its also equally if not more Congress' habits.

Democrats raise taxes to pay for stuff they can't afford.  Republicans lower taxes to make people happy (and manage to throw in some extra money that they don't have towards the military).

Both parties cause debt.  And yeah I know you said "conservatism", but let's get real; conservatism=republican and liberalism=democrat

