Do you believe the Left isn't bought off by Unions?? Both sides play the same game, their money just comes from different interests. Solution here is to limit the power of both sides, reduced government. Right now the Average Federal Worker is making 75K a year, Average private citizen is making 50k a year hmm seems to me that the private sector is working for the government not the other way around which it should be.
Yes I believe the left isn't bought off by unions because unions and leftist policy naturally go hand in hand. They don't need to buy each other off because at the core they have the same goals. They work along side each other, not for each other.
The republican party once stood for smaller government and not interfering with big business, however Reaganomics actually introduced reason for the republican party and big business to pat each other on the butt. Because of the nature of trickle down economics (which have actually created the largest poverty rates in U.S. history) business has reason to buy protection and tax cuts from the party. The reason rich people get tax breaks is so they can feed the republican party, the reason the republican party scratches the back of big business is because big business funds them.
The way to prevent the government from needing the business and from business being protected by the government is to deincentivize the government in that relationship. The logical way to do that is to empower the government and take power away from lobbyists. If businesses can't lobby and pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to push through the bills and funding they want there is no reason for the government to give them any breaks. Makes sense to me.
You live in America wrong country to be a socialist in? Also if socialism is so great then why has it failed and is failing across the globe? You think Greece is doing well? How's that socialism in France doing with riots in the street for raising there retirement age? How's that Socialism in England doing with riots over the raised costs of Education?
Are you some kind of libertarian idiot(not that there are any other kinds of libertarians.)? Look at Sweden, Norway, and Holland. All of England's failings are because of clinging to conservatism and not embracing their more liberal ideas. Furthermore fighting against the rise in cost of education is a liberal thing to do, if the government paid for education there would be no need to complain. Good job providing a counter-argument to your own moot point.
As for France, it happens? I don't think socialism is right for every country, however I do believe that socialisation of important programs such as education, welfare, medicine, and science do go a long way, especially when the government can afford it.
And as far as I'm concerned if you're anti-government and not willing to pay a decent chunk of your pay check to support America and America's people than it is you who happens to be in the wrong country. If you don't believe your country is worth your money you are unpatriotic.