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Re: The Amazing, the Incredible, Pesty FG Deck! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #60 on: June 12, 2010, 03:46:42 pm »
It's something different, that's for sure.

Decay - Win (YAY)
Eternal Phoenix - Loss
Morte - Loss
Neptune - Loss
Divine Glory - Win
Fire Queen - Loss
Eternal Phoenix - Loss
Seism - Loss
Chaos Lord - Loss
Elendis - Win

3/10 = 30%
IMO this deck needs some more healing. It's a good concept but throwing in some upped sundials and SoGs couldn't hurt much.


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Re: The Amazing, the Incredible, Pesty FG Deck! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #61 on: June 12, 2010, 05:30:09 pm »
Firequeen1 Loss
Incarnate1 Win
Miracle2 Loss
Rainbow1 Loss
Dark Matter1 Win Loss
Dream Catcher Win1 Loss

Accidentally sumbitted...so I'll just modify as I play

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Re: The Amazing, the Incredible, Pesty FG Deck! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #62 on: June 12, 2010, 09:44:19 pm »
i play this deck in trainer 10 times=10 lose  :o


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Re: The Amazing, the Incredible, Pesty FG Deck! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #63 on: June 15, 2010, 01:18:05 am »
i play this deck in trainer 10 times=10 lose  :o
Statistical anomaly, I'm sure.

I now maintain this deck because I was looking for something to use against Obliterator (oracle predicted) the other day. It worked like magic. Probably won't be using it regularly, but I reckon it's pretty decent.


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Re: The Amazing, the Incredible, Pesty FG Deck! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #64 on: June 17, 2010, 11:41:28 am »
Just played my first match with the deck...


So i approve it can work against FGs. N1


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Re: The Amazing, the Incredible, Pesty FG Deck! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #65 on: June 20, 2010, 06:52:10 am »
I tried the deck played over 30 game and won only 2 or 3 i cant remember, Hermes,Rainbow,Dream Catcher,Seism,Scorpio,Morning Glory just eat u without any problem i not really think win ratio is over 50% its around 30-35% and its doesnt depend in Your draw, all depend which god u have to fight, idea is good but its no enough for a stabil FG  farm deck.


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Re: The Amazing, the Incredible, Pesty FG Deck! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #66 on: June 20, 2010, 08:39:47 am »
Have you considered adding some drain life cards? The sheer quantity of darkness quanta you get is enough to justify it. Even just one or two (so you don't clog up your hand for fractals) might do well. Although it probably wouldn't improve your win rate against the gods that are hard with this deck (if you have that much quantum you've probably already won anyway), it may help you get EM against some of them. I haven't tested it though, and it's possible that the slow-down is too great to be worth it. It's just a shame to waste so much darkness quanta.


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Re: The Amazing, the Incredible, Pesty FG Deck! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #67 on: June 21, 2010, 01:00:17 pm »
I'm sure this deck is strong in PvP
but never use it against FGs
reasons are simple:

1) FGs have large quantum supply early
so you can't drain them to empty and they can still play lots of cards

2) They play creatures at the first few turns
although you set up your pest army early, you still die as you don't have creature control
(unless you draw another fractal and vampire)


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Re: The Amazing, the Incredible, Pesty FG Deck! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #68 on: June 21, 2010, 01:38:54 pm »
I'm sure this deck is strong in PvP
but never use it against FGs
reasons are simple:

1) FGs have large quantum supply early
so you can't drain them to empty and they can still play lots of cards

2) They play creatures at the first few turns
although you set up your pest army early, you still die as you don't have creature control
(unless you draw another fractal and vampire)

You have tried it? It can win on a acceptable % for being a duo deck. It is true that sometimes you will lose 4 or 5 games in a row, and you'll think the deck doesn't work, but other times you win some FG very easily.


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Re: The Amazing, the Incredible, Pesty FG Deck! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #69 on: June 23, 2010, 03:21:14 am »
This deck could run very well with out upgrades I suspect. Very awesome. :D


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Re: The Amazing, the Incredible, Pesty FG Deck! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #70 on: June 23, 2010, 11:32:08 am »
I liked this deck too.
I ask myself if a rainbow version of this deck could work.

Rainbow, means, adrenaline for vampires and pests
burrow for the pests.
Earthquake to help quanta denial
better shield.
Better weapon.


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Re: The Amazing, the Incredible, Pesty FG Deck! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #71 on: June 27, 2010, 03:39:09 pm »
neptune:3 lost
1-no fractal for over 10 turns-dead
2-killed my vampire before fractal,my mistake,,more flooding than i can steal,even with denial that card dont vanish because towers generate water before the card uses it,permafrost shield blocked all my pests,died
3- we both got great hands,i fracted vampires,but with only 3 towers couldnt send them fast enough,the god had manyf shocwaves and strong creatures,had no shield,died

ferox: 1 win 1  lost
1-vampire+improved dusk+fractal=win i cant denial this boss due to high amounts of tower/photosynthesis and pest didnt come fast enough
2-no pest,no vampie,no dusk shield,no chance

gemini:2 lost
1-spiders with momentum,rushed
2- only 1 aether tower,no shield,no vampire,denied him only after he had 1 dragon and 2 spiders,died

scorpio: 1 lost
1- perfect boss hand with arsenic,puffer fish and poisons,not enough towers on my side,killed me before i could denial him

divine glory: 1 win
1- denid his air quanta,she was stuck with 2 morning glory,used eclipse to surprise here and killed before 2nd miracle

fire queen: 2 lost
1- killed my vampire before i fractalled him,my mistake,too many towers,denied her for a short time,her feral bounds healed her more than i can damage,died
2- i got no darkness towers,she got no creatures,once she got a queen and a eagle eye she was unstopable

incarnate: 1 win
1-no pest to denial him,but my vampires did it

osiris: 1lost
1-only 1 fractal,couldnt denial,scarabs grown too much,died

eldnis: 1 lost
1-too much  congreal,had a dragon,2 forest with 10 damage and a sword when i denied her

the major problem with your deck is suriving long until denial the god and getting quanta.if i hade more quanta on some moments i could send more vampires/pest and even win some of the matches.sorry but this deck will not be my next god farming deck

