Okay, disorganization isn't something I'm fond of so I figured I would try and do a bit of clean up here. With all the initial excitement from this thread taking off it seems a few decks seem to have fallen through the cracks that should be brought to light.
Decks still being tested at the moment:Upgraded Mono-Earth Shrieker Rush (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,482.0.html) - hrmmm
Time Rush ~ Upgraded (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,18379.0/topicseen.html) - willng3Unupped and Upped Got Poison? (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,365.0.html) - Thenewguy
Unupped Steamed Bolts and Steamed Phoenixes (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,18374.new.html#new) - 9270984
Light Upped AI3 Farmer (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,12953.0.html) - xdude
Incomplete testing (50-100 games instead of the optimal 200) [Note: non-user submitted]:Da Fastest Speedbow Eva (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,11757.0.html) - 50 games testedUnupped Poisonbow (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,15675.0.html) - 50 games tested
User submitted; testing needed:Antlions, Golems, Hammers, and Dragons!? MADNESS!!! (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,18011.0.html) - Posted by TimerClock14
Fragile Flyers (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,18220.0.html) - Posted by wizelsnarf
Vader Sader (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,18038.0.html) - Posted by GirlsGeneration
Upgraded Darkness Rush (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,18088) - Posted by Theonlyrealbeef
Da Supa Rusha (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,18221.0.html) - Posted by BluePriest
For deck testers: If your name is not included in the first post then it is either because you have finished your 200 games of testing or you have not communicated that you are currently testing a deck. Note that it will cause a huge headache if you suddenly show up with stats when someone else laid claims to the deck in a proper manner, so please post what decks you are testing here BEFORE you begin testing. Also, unless you are absolutely certain that you can test multiple decks within 2-3 days, please limit your deck reservations to one at a time.
For users requesting deck testing: I purposely omitted several entries because you did not supply the correct amount of information needed to begin testing on that deck.
If your deck and name does not appear above it is because:1) You have not yet provided statistics for 50 games before posting. We cannot accept decks without preliminary stats because that implies that they have not been tweaked and test driven beforehand. We cannot accept decks that have just been thrown together and possess numerous flaws; a 50 game minimum serves as a fail safe against this.
2) You have not posted all information necessary to begin testing. Unless your deck is something extremely run of the mill such as a Mono-Life Adrenaline rush, you MUST post your deck with both a name and a link directly to the deck you believe deserves testing. It helps viewers decide on their next deck choice if they can see what other users have to say about your deck, plus it allows discussion about possible improvements in case you've missed any.
3) Your deck is extremely similar to a previously submitted deck. This is where preliminary tests are extremely helpful. While we do accept decks which are guaranteed improvements of a particular structure, seeing the exact same or similar model of a particular deck is extremely redundant and totally unnecessary. With decks such as Cremation rushes which are very inconsistent at times, we may need more than 50 games to decide whether or not it's worth looking into.
If your submission does not follow the above guidelines then it will not be tested,
no exceptions.
Note that there are still a good deal of decks from the previous TTW Study (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,8813.0.html) which need to be retested for comparison's sake against the new AI3. There's a notable difference in the number of unupped versus upped decks which have been tested; additional assistance in this area would be greatly appreciated.
About alternate AI levels. I've been receiving a lot of questions about doing tests for T50 and AI5 decks and adding them to this study. I cannot do this, and neither should anyone else. If we suddenly start throwing in tests for different AI levels then this entire thread will become extremely chaotic and will be several times more difficult to maintain. Plans for a similar study for other AI levels are in the future, but still need much more consideration before they are put into place. Until that time, please keep all decks posted strictly for facing AI3, nothing else.
We'll try and keep this list updated as the stats lists for both unupped and upped decks are updated as well. Until then, happy testing