Hi, I've brought you 100 games of testing

Games: 100
avg. Sec/Game: 75.960
Sec/Turn: 10.55
Clicks/Game: 15.640
Clicks/Turn: 2.172222222
Score/Min: 12.55924171
Electrum/Min: 12.71721959
Time overall (min.): 126.600
Wins: 95
Ems: 4
Losses: 5
Score: 1590
Electrum: 1610
Avg. TTW: 6.989
ttw 3: 0
ttw 4: 0
ttw 5: 2
ttw 6: 36
ttw 7: 31
ttw 8: 18
ttw 9: 4
ttw 10: 3
ttw 11: 1
ttw 12: 0
ttw 13: 0
ttw 14: 0
ttw 15: 0
ttw 16: 0
Now who said

can't rush?

Stats for 200 games will be posted on the TTW Study, stay tuned.