Hey OldTrees, let's try something audacious, more audacious than
Remember this? As a spell it wasn't that useful. What if it turned into a permanent that affected every creature | only your creatures? How much would it cost then? Would an upkeep cost be useful to it? Should it bring the atk to the closest "magical" number or just bump it to the next highest magical number?
What is the core suggestion? The card was merely a tool/means of making your core suggestion. What was that suggestion?
Make all creatures | only your creatures attacks into the magical number of either 3, 8, or 15. Probably rounded to which number is closer.
That was the tool. What was the suggestion? What was the purpose that being able to set the attack to 3, 8, 15 helps achieve?
Synergy with adrenaline/green nymph, a quicker boost of damage to your creatures, probably weakening your opponent's creatures.
Magic number buff/adrenaline synergy value
In theory adrenaline gives a minimum increase of +3 damage per turn.
In practice it gives +9 damage per turn because there is rarely need to look for a non 3/8 attack creature.
In other words: The only buff would usually be replaceable with more time deckbuilding.
Magic number CC value
If round up to the next magic number: No CC value
If round to the nearest magic number: unupped Dragons and weak mid sized creatures (4 or 5 atk) get weakened [creatures with more than 15 atk have growth, are chimera or are a upped shard golem]
If round down to the next magic number: CC value exists.
What value can you squeeze out of setting atk to magic numbers?
(Sidenote: Sometimes synergy requires an indirect approach. (See Fire Shield + Green Nymph)
Something I kinda wanna do, because the element is close to being capable of a 'pure mage' deck, is some sort of long-lasting
spell or permanent, that builds power over time and can be released for a powerful effect.
I've had...Limited success, in that while I've made the idea, it mechanically fits better in other elements, besides, the only 'thematic' tie, is to the idea of a villian having some sort of 'doomsday' device or artifact...
Anyhow, musing aside, here's the alternate versions:
1. Consumes
quanta per turn, activate ability to sacrifice it, drain all
quanta and do damage to opponent equal to all
quanta absorbed.
2. Consumes
quanta per turn, activate ability to sacrifice it, doing damage to opponent equal to death counters+
quanta absorbed.
I'm trying to think of a way to add
flavor to this spell, but the best thing I have is some sort of 'gain counters when you drain quanta from opponent' or something like that...Not so good. Maybe 'drain life'? Any ideas, OldTrees?
1)builds power over time and can be released for a powerful effect.
Quanta is conserved from turn to turn unlike mana. There is little advantage to playing the spell before the end. See the Bolt or Fractal doomsday devices.
2)"the only 'thematic' tie, is to the idea of a villian having some sort of 'doomsday' device or artifact..."
Where is the connection to darkness? Dark is not evil. Light is not good. Fire is destruction.
3)My best conceptualization of Darkness in EtG is as the element of manipulation. Both decks are resources for masters of

. Permanents are "found". A doll will turn dragons on their masters. The life of the opponent is a source of healing. Even the mind (hand) of the opponent is a valid resource.
Honestly the existing Drain Life spell is a great doomsday spell for Darkness.