I kind of have mixed feelings about this. One part of me thinks this would give players maybe too much elemental freedom. But at the same time, the progress it makes is pretty slow. It takes potentially 4 turns just to generate one element, which is pretty pointless, since the other two would be progressing almost just as slowly.
Very true, these pendulums won't provide very much benefit in terms of tota quantum output. Thats what quantum pillars are for (and should remain that way). However, the advantage is in terms of consistence and initial draw quality.
For instance, try building a trio deck now using pillars and pendulums for production. You can end up drawing a starting hand that has pendulums for one type of quanta while the rest of your cards need the the third element to play.
It SUCKS... With these, each pendulum you draw would be guaranteed to be able to produce the quanta you need.
With hybrid marks (if they get added) the stability extends to quartets.
You will of course be at a speed disadvantage versus mono and duo decks, but this is a good thing since it will counter balance the benefits of added versatility. It also means that quantum pillars, and single element pillars and pendulums will remain useful for fine tuning quantum balance.
I agree. Do I remember reading somewhere that Zanz dislikes the idea of adding these to the game? If so, it seems like a bunch of time and energy expended on a bunch of beautiful, useless cards.
Maybe I misinterpreted something I read. I hope so.
As far as I can remember, he disliked having cards with costs or abilities that required more than one type of quanta at the same time.
E.g. cards that cost

(like what you see in MtG) wouldn't fly... Hybrid quanta is slightly different since a hybrid quantum cost means you can use one or the other but don't need both.
I don't offhand remember the reason for his objection, but based on comments I've seen regarding "graveyard" like mechanics, I'd wager that one reason is that he wants to keep elements unique from MtG.
I think the hybrid element setup should be sufficiently distinct. (It works for half-bloods right?)
In some sense this is already done with cards like Short Sword and Hammer which can draw from ANY element's quanta. Hybrid elements are just a little more focused. Hopefully that is enough to set it apart.
As far as the pendulums themselves go the "produce [img widht=20 height=20]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/33829445/ElementsCustomMarks/DisericMark.png[/img]"is essentially just provides a shorter way of saying "randomly produce one

