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The History of Elements https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12215.msg152524#msg152524
« on: September 05, 2010, 08:53:19 am »
An interesting question came up to my mind some days ago.
How was Elements before I started playing? What changes did happen? Which cards were the first ones? What were common used decks for specific times? Were there some important people for this game?
I think it would be very interesting to see, how this game has changed. How single card buffs or nerfs changed the complete game(Sundial or the Shield immunity of quinted creatures, for example) Also, stuff like the trials, the first tournament and the war should get their places in the history.
So, looking at the Patch Notes you can see the changes from 1.15 up to now. The time before that is not documented. It would be great if some of the veteran players help me with completing this "History" of Elements. Maybe it could even be submitted for the wiki?

The History of Elements

May 10, 2009, 11:05 AM
zanzarino finished the beta version of Elements the Game

Spoiler for June 6, 2009:

- Corrected all the bugs you reported (and probably created new ones with the new cards).
- More cards, lots of them.(Firefly Queen, Mutation, Discord, Plague, Arsenic, Titan
- Added a quest line to guide new players through the first steps; might add more quests later.
- Many cards had their cost adjusted.
- Many effects have been tuned to keep the game in balance.
- Improved interface:
new icons for the momentum/immaterial/poisoned modifiers.
more reliable "skill is ready" effects.
more efficient (faster) "manage your deck" page.
more efficient use of the CPU (smoother animation).
- Improved AI (it looks smarter to me , but changing the code also means that the AI could do something very stupid, let me know if it happens)
- A new artist joined the team and the new graphics for the card look great (at least that's my opinion).
June 9, 2006
zanzarino told the people on flashkit how the slot machine works
Well I will reveal the mystery about the spinning wheel:

The program takes the opponent deck and randomly finds 5 non pillar cards, the 5 non pillars cards are used for the spinning, so the possible combinations are


the winning combinations are


If all the 5 cards are different, the chance to win with a single spin is:

5/125 = 4%
(that's why I said 5%, it is actually 4, but there is a small chances that 2 or more of the same card will be used)

However, if a deck is specialized, the chances to have more cards of the same kind in the cards pool are higher, if 2 of the five cards are the same the chance to win is:

((2^3)+2) / 125 = 11/125 = 8.8%

etc... so, putting it in a table:

5 different cards = 4% winning chance
4 different cards = 8.8% winning chance
3 different cards = 23.2% winning chance
2 different cards = 52% winning chance
all cards are the same = 100%

That means that from a deck with only one kind of non-pillar card you'll win for sure, BUT....

In the new version I added something else: the program has only 50 chances to find all the 5 non-pillar cards, if it is not successfull at doing that it will start drawing pillars as well. This way, playing against a pillar only deck will give you 3 pillars. Statistic for almost all pillar decks gets quite complicated.June 14, 2009
A list of all rares in the games at this point was posted by kethaq
Arctic Squid 3  :water 1|2 3 :water: Freeze target creature
Arsenic cost: 3 death, damage: 2, special: 1 poison (poison is cumulative).
Druidic Staff cost: 5 life, damage 2, Special: heal up to 3 hp.
Eternity cost: 5 time, damage 4, special: 3 time to return target creature to owner's deck.
Fahrenheit cost 5 fire, damage: 4+x, special: extra damage, x is numer of fire quanta divided by 5
Lobotomizer cost: 4 aether, damage: 5, special: 3 aether to remove the special ability from target creature.
Morning Star cost: 7 light, damage: 7, special: cannot be stolen or destroyed.
Owl's Eye cost: 5 wind, damage: 5, special: 2 wind to deal 3 damage to target creature.
Pulverizer cost: 5 earth, damage 5, special: 3 gravity to destroy target permanent
Trident cost:3 water (but says aether on card), damage: 4, special: 3 earth to destroy up to 3 pillars in a stack
Vampire Stilletto cost: 3 darkness, damage: 2, special: return damage done as healingJune 16, 2009
Fire - immolation: Sacrifice a creature to get 5 fire quantums + quantum for each non-fire element

Light - Miracle: cost 12, completely heal you (back to 100hp) consumes all the light quantums left after the spell

Gravity - Titan(weapon): cost 5, damage 7, momentum (this weapon has also something else special, but I'll never tell you)

Entropy - Discord(weapon): cost 3, damage 7, special:every successfull attack randomly switches quantum type in the opponent quantum reservoir.
a few other cards have their cost changed

Also some cards got their cost reduced
Druidic Staff cost: 3 life
Fahrenheit cost 3 fire
Morning Star cost: 5 light
Owl's Eye cost: 3 wind
Pulverizer cost: 5 earth
Trident cost: 3 water
Vampire Stilletto cost: 1 darkness
zanz shares some of his ideas with the flashkit people
About the future, I have two or 3 idea about the game I'd like to share:

1 - Go ahead and develop a full pvp/multiplayer version.
I know this is what many of my players are waiting for, but it will take a while... and it will force me to move the game to another server, since this one can barely stand the current traffic load.

2 - Add an "upgrade card" function that will create an improved version of a card you own for a considerable amount of money; the "improvement" will be marginal (spells a little cheaper to cast, creatures slightly stronger, etc.) but having multiple "upgraded" cards in your deck will give you a sensible advantage.
This would be a way to create a semi-rare card from a card you like to use, and it will (somehow) double the number of cards in the game creating an upgraded version for each card.

3 - Add levels. When a certain score is reached, and paying a certain amount of money, the player will gain levels. Each level will give a skill point that can be used in different specializations:
Stamina - More HP's
Empathy - The player can own a "pet". The pet is a creature that will enter the game like the mark does, without using a card. The more skill points spent in empathy the more powerful the pet.
Intellect - Increases the amount of quantums produced by the mark. (having a mark that generates 2 quantums instead of one is a big advantage)
Dexterity - Gives a chance to inflict a critical hit using the weapon (double damage) and a chance to parry the damage from a single physical source (creature or weapon) when a weapon or a shield is equipped.
I am not sure if adding this level system will add "fun" to the game or will just create unbalance.

Keep in mind that any of these 3 upgrades will take a while, but I just need to prioritize and take a direction, so I'd like to know what you guys think about the ideas.Elements the Game now has 64,000 active accounts.

Spoiler for June 20, 2009:
One of the first "rainbow" decks(there were others before that, but most of them were pillarless, abusing Nova OP´ness)
Mark of Time

10x Quantum Pillar
2x Lycanthrope
1-2x Boneyard (depending if you want to go for a heavy monster-counter deck or not)
2-3-4x Otyugh (depending if you want to go for a heavy monster-counter deck or not)
2x Graboid (Mark of time is useful)
1x Emerald dragon/Forest(i) Spirit (Dragon would be for excess life quantums which you will most probably have, but some people prefer foresti spirit)
2x Deflagration
2x Freeze - To deal with strong monsters that you have no current counter for or that you want to weaken soon so your Otyugh can devour them
2x Blessing - Otyugh ftw
2-3x Owl's Eye - With 2 Boneyards and Otyughs this can be very useful
2x Reverse Time - Mark of Time + Monster Control
2x Golden Hourglass
1x Dusk Mantle - Great defense
1x Parallel Universe - Many uses
June 22, 2009
Entropy: Dissipation shield will consume quanta instead of HP's when hit by a creature/weapon. When no more quanta is available the shield is destroyed. Chaos seed also will have a consistent negative effect, it will either freeze, poison, copy, or damage the target creature.

Life: Empathic Bond, permanent (maybe you guys can come up with a better name); when Empathic Bond is in play every creature you control heals you for 1HP per turn. It is not much, but useful if you have a many creatures in play and can be used together with a shield

Death: Bone wall, it starts with 10 charges, every charge blocks one attack from a creature/weapon. When all the charges are consumed the bone wall is destroyed. Every time a creature is killed the bone wall regenerates, gaining back 3 charges. It will be very effective against a few big creatures, quite useless against many little creatures.

Earth: Diamond shield, like titanium shield but prevents up to 3 damages/attack (and it is quite expensive).

Air: Wings (uses the shield slot), only air and momentum creatures can reach you for 1 turn.

Gravity will finally have a dedicated "gravity pull" spell card, that can be used to redirect the opponent's damage on one of your creatures OR on one of the opponent's creature to redirect YOUR damage against it.

Armagio HP's increased to 25.

Cheaper guardian angels.

The first rare farms came up

Spoiler for July 4, 2009:
Today version 0.43 is being deployed, lots of changes:

The auto-save system has been upgraded, you can now see when your data is saved and if there is a connection problem a blinking "disconnected" button will appear, letting you know that your progress is not being saved. Pressing the button will re-try saving your data.

When a deck is made mostly of pillars, there is an increasing chance to win pillars from the "slot-machine" (this should prevent people from distributing rares using all pillars decks)

Burrow skill is now reversible, you can burrow your creatures when a dimensional shield is out, then un-burrow them when your opponent is almost out of HP's

Chaos seed now always have a negative effect on the target, with a wider range of possible skills applied, including reverse time and lobotomize effects.

Dissipation shield now converts HP damage from creatures and weapons to quanta damage. useful toward the end of the game, when you have lots of pillars out but no need for all of that quanta. Using it at the beginning of a battle is suicidal. It is also the only card in the game possibly leading to an instant "invincible" situation: a mutated life creature with the ability photosynthesis would generate infinite quanta, letting this shield absorb infinite damage, but the chances are so remote that I will let this be.

Lots of small changes: immolation gives now 7 fire quanta, miracle cost increased to 15 and miracle heals 99HP, howl's eye and eternity cost increased to 5, armagio HP increased to 25, poison does not remove freezing status anymore, pillars stack properly after a permanent has been destroyed, increased security protection for the flash file.

New cards!!
Bone wall (death)
Empathic Bond (life)
Gravity Pull (gravity)
Drain Life (darkness)
Enchant Artifact (earth)
Earthquake (earth)
-Mute button will be implemented in the next update.
-Two new quests will be added.
-Card Upgrade system will be implemented.

New quests can be view in the quest button. There's a new quest that gives you a rare for having a score of over 500. The second new quest allows you to 1) upgrade cards, and 2) play level 6, False Gods.
The last new quest allows you to upgrade cards. Each card has a new upgrade, it is a much stronger version of the original card, or sometimes it is a different ability or lowered costs. You have to finish all the quests to have this option.
Also with the last quest, it gives you the option to face the False Gods (lv6). They're insanely powerful, and don't obey the normal rules of Elements (they draw two cards each turn, have 200 HP, marks give 3 quanta per turn, etc.)

NOTE: A few people have been asking about how the upgrade system works. Basically, each card (even rares) will have an upgraded version which you will be able to buy. Each upgrade costs 1500 electrum (coins), so they do not come cheap. For a list of upgraded cards, refer here: List of Upgraded Cards

New Cards:
Fallen Elf
Minor Vampire
Mind Flayer
Lava Golem
Graviton Firemaster
Phase Spider

The First FG´s were:
Gemini, Fire Queen, Incarnate, Morte, Seism, Hermes, Graviton, Miracle, Rainbow, Scorpio

Spoiler for June 21, 2009:
Elements 1.0 is almost ready; this is probably the last day of beta testing, unless some new big bugs get on my way.

The game can be tested here:

The new version has realtime pvp available (random and versus a friend).
The pvp scripts are new and a few glitches are to be expected, also, being multiplayer and realtime, some glitches are just unavoidable due to server/internet connections etc.

The new version also has multiple improvements (cancel function, less bugs, warning message for selling rare cards etc. etc.)

...and a few balance adjustements.

Give it a try... and tell me it is working!1.14
New Cards:
Sundial (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1945.0.html)
Scarab (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1950.0.html)
Card Changes:
Bug Fix:
Things to mention:

Spoiler for December 15, 2009:
The new forum went live

Spoiler for December 22, 2009:

New Cards:
Stoneskin (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2396.0.html)
Adrenaline (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1403.0.html)

Card Changes:
- Sundial lasts only one turn
- Heal heals for 12 (instead of 10)
- Lighting cost reduced to 2

Bug Fix:
- Fast clicking on a card should no longer result in errors like creatures in the permanent bar
- AI does not get too much extra quanta when playing a quantum tower.
- False Gods lose when they are out of cards
- Momentum and mutation stack properly
- The top row of creatures is now in front of the second row (cards stats are readable)

New FG´s: Obliterator and Ferox

Things to mention:
The sundial nerf was one of the biggest in the whole game. Before it, people were using it and got 80+ winning percentage against FG. So, FG-farming changed with this nerf incredibly.
That the top row of creatures is now in front of the second row was great. Before that, you couldn´t see the stats and skills of your top row creatures-that was annoying.
Stone Skin gave you your FULL amount of earth quanta as life points. This was changed when several people(including jmizzle7) reached ridicously high amounts of life( and electrum)

Spoiler for December 27, 2009:

New Cards:
-Rage Potion
Card Changes:
Bug Fix:
- Added Level 5 elementals:
   - The stats are similar to the false gods stats
   - The deck is dynamically generated by the AI, this makes them much easier than false gods
   - 15% of the level 5 cards are upgraded cards. It is possible to win upgraded cards from level 5 games
New FG: Divine Glory

Elements 1.16 is integrated with the Kongregate log in system
Kongregate staff wants Kongregate users to be able to play the game without having to create an elements account. So the password field is now optional when you create a new account from kongragate.

The problem is: if you do not have a password you can not play on multiple accounts and you can not play elements anywhere on the web like you did before.

So the solution I am using at the moment is:
If you get a new elements account from Kongregate you automatically get a randomly generated password; that password is useless if you are playing on Kongregate with one account because there is no need to login. You can ignore its existence until you want multiple accounts, that's why you need a place where you can find your password. It is just for new users that did not pick their own password. I could add a button that lets you change your password on kongregate (that would take 5 minutes), but first I have to find a way to make that operation as secure as possible, at that could take much more time.
(You do not want a hacker to change the password of your account, that is why right now the password can not be changed at all).
(post from zanzarino-January 02, 2010, 07:28:05 PM)

Things to mention:

Spoiler for January 04, 2010:
New Cards:
-Liquid Shadow

Card Changes:
- Immortality now completely removes the frozen status
- Un-upgraded shards have different colors
- Quintessence cost increased to 4
- Liquid shadow cost decreased to 5
- Stone skin cost reduced
- Heal heals for 20 hp, card cost increased
- Spark is now a 3/0 creature ( 5/0 upgraded)
- Otyough cost increased to 4 (5 upgraded)
- Firewall effects immortal and burrowed creatures (was meant to be beta tested - might be removed)-because of this the HP of the immortal creatures was increased- how? Morning Star got from 8|1 to 8|4 but what happenend with Phase Dragon and Immortal?

Bug Fix:
- New Gravity pull code (should take care of most gravity pull bugs)
- Immortal icon does not persist anymore if the permanent is removed from the game
- The slot machine have a new icon for upgraded cards
- Upgraded alchemy cards pay the correct amount of money if sold
- Several AI improvements (AI learned how to use the new alchemy cards... hopefully)
- Fast clicking on a target should not multiply the effect of a card anymore (not tested yet)
- The game ends the very moment one of the players' HP is reduced to 0. No more delays with unpredictable healing effects.
- PVP does not desync if the finish move is a spell
- The hourglass "hasten" ability does not cause the next card played to desync in PVP anymore (this was a nasty bug, that has been lurking and hiding in the code for months)

There were a lot more changes to the AI.  A lot of it seems to be targeting, which is good.  In the past, the AI seemed to "forget" to use abilities that they can play such as devour, firefly, paradox, infection, poison even though they have the quanta.  That is no longer happening as far as I can tell except I noticed a failure to cast fireflies a couple of times.  How the AI plays their cards is different too.  They don't hold onto cards as long as they used to.  For example, Seism is rewinding my creatures in the first few turns.  I don't recall in hundreds of matches against him ever using it so early.  Rainbow's timing is different as well.  No more of that last minute steal fest.  Not as late anyway.  The FG's are also using protect artifact more often instead of holding onto it for several turns.  Explosion got some major changes to how the AI plays it.  It still can be wasted on bonewall but it will more often go after more important stuff like graveyard and feral bond.
(post by cyberrico, January 05, 2010, 06:06:14 AM)
New FG: Divine Glory

Things to mention:
Heal heals for 20 HP now. In 1.14 it healed for 10 HP! This made decks like jmdt´s Elemental Mastery Rush possible
Firewall affects now the formerly untouchable immortal and burrowed creatures. So, there was finally a way to get rid of these quinted creatures! Later, other shields effected them too.
Luciferine was discussed as one of the most useless cards in the game.
About immortality removing freeze:
Ahh, there's the consistency.  A poisoned creature takes poison with it because it's 'part of the creature', whereas Gravity Pull is an external effect -- unless you're name is Armagio, and the gravity comes from inside of you, at which point it works normally again.
(post by Essence, January 07, 2010, 10:58:48 PM)
So, the creature itself won´t change if made immaterial. It won´t loose Momentum, Adrenaline, Poison and such because this is a PART of the creature.
Effects from "outside", as freeze and gravity pull are removed, because they aren´t part of the creature.

Spoiler for January 10, 2010:
First tournament sponsored by zanzarino was hold

Spoiler for January 23, 2010:
New Cards:
- The 12 Nymphs
- Basilisk's blood
- Black hole
- Unstable Gas
- Nymph's tears
- Precognition

Card Changes:
- Immortal creatures are effected by all the shield effects (freeze and delay as well)
- Increased HP's for immortals and morning glory
(if somebody knows how, please post)

Bug Fix:
- Spark/mutation now works properly
- Gravity pull works properly in pvp
- Hourglass does not work if you already have 8 cards OR you are already drawing a card (the skill cost is not refounded)
- A new system for preventing fast-clicking added (maybe this one will work)
- Fast-clicking in deck building/bazaar should not cause card/graphics errors anymore

New FG´s: Dark Matter and Paradox

Things to mention:
You couldn´t get Nymphs as standalone cards in this patch
The fact that Immortal creatures are effected by all shield effects was first introduced in 1.17 as a "beta test" - now it´s official

Other Stuff:
- New icons system, it might be glitchy at first, but it should perform much better than the old one on the long run.

Spoiler for January 31, 2010:
New Cards:
Card Changes:
Bug Fix:
- AI now loses a pillar when using nymph's tears
- Basilisk's blood. Upgraded card cost fixed
- Many Rain of Fire + "other spell" problems fixed
- Immaterial Deja Vu's duplicate into two immaterial Deja vu's now.

The Oracle:
How does it work?
Every day, but only once per day, you can click a special button and visit the oracle. The oracle will pick a single card for you; the card will be accompanied with a small sentence, something like a mini-horoscope for your day
Each card will also have its related gift; most times it will be a handful of electrum coins, sometime a good amount of electrum coins, sometime a free card, if the oracle tells you that your card of the day is a nymph:  you get to keep her.
(post by zanzarino, January 20, 2010)
The Oracle is reset every midnight at GMT - 7

Things to mention:
Now you could get nymphs

Spoiler for February 21, 2010:

New Cards:

Card Changes:

Bug Fix:
- The first malignant cell can now be killed (without a new one re-spawning)

New FG: Octane

New Import/Export deck interface
- Saving as many decks as you want in a simple text file (you can use notepad)
- Sharing your decks with other players in chat rooms, forums etc.
(post by zanzarino, February 21, 2010, 06:03:51 AM)
Things to mention:
About the Import/Export Deck-Function
Why not saving multiple deck in the database?
- It would be more user friendly but...
- The number of decks saved in the database has to be very small (1 or 2) because of files size issues
- It would be impossible to share your deck's code with other users
(post by zanzarino, February 21, 2010, 06:03:51 AM)
Having a pair in the spinner awards 5 coins instead of 1. This made speed farming for money on AI3 a lot easier. 
Your mark and "Metamorphosis" are now part of the "manage deck" tool
It is no longer possible to win Mark of * cards from other players (replaced by "relic")
Poison icon repositioned

Spoiler for March 16, 2010:

New Cards:
- Phoenix (and Ash)
- Hope
- Fractal
- Thorn Shield (replacing carapace shield)
- Mummy
- Pharaoh (rare)
- Butterfly Effect
- Flooding

Card Changes:
*Quantum Tower / Pillar (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2017.0.html)
Probably getting a decrease in quantum production

Dirk (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2018.0.html)
Attack increased from 3 to 4

Long Sword (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2019.0.html)
Attack increased from 5 to 6

Gavel (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2020.0.html)
Base Attack increased from 5 to 6
Micro Abomination (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2027.0.html)
HP increased from 3 to 4

Butterfly Effect (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,4130.0.html)
New Card

Amethyst Dragon (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2035.0.html)
Attack increased from 11 to 12


Mummy / Elite Mummy (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,4010.0.html)
New Card

Skull Shield (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1977.0.html)
Cost decreased from 3 :death to 2 :death

Flesh Recluse (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1970.0.html)
Attack increased from 5 to 6


No changes

Pulverizer (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2395.0.html)
Cost increased from 3 :earth to 4 :earth

Upgraded Pulverizer (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2395.0.html)
Weapon ability cost increased from 1 :gravity to 2 :gravity

Steel Golem (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2391.0.html)
Attack increased from 5 to 6

Stone Dragon (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2388.0.html)
HP increased from 8 to 10

Basalt Dragon (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2388.0.html)
HP increased from 11 to 12

Stone Skin (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1402.0.html)
Cost decreased from 5 :earth to 2 :earth

Granite Skin (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1402.0.html)
Cost decreased from 4 :earth to 1 :earth

Basilisk Blood (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2242.0.html)
Cost decreased from 3 :earth to 2 :earth

Upgraded Basilisk Blood (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2242.0.html)
Cost decreased from 2 :earth to 1 :earth

Thorn Carapace (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,4064.0.html)
New Card replaces Carapace Shield
75% chance of poisoning attacking creatures.
Cost 7 :life

Spine Carapace (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,4064.0.html)
New Card replaces Carapace Buckler
Reduces damage by 1, 75% chance of poisoning attacking creatures.
Cost: 7 :life

Empathic Bond (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1965.0.html)
Cost increased from 5 :life to 6 :life

Feral Bond (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1965.0.html)
Cost increased from 4 :life to 5 :life

Ash / Upgraded Ash (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,3957.0.html)
New Card

Phoenix / Minor Phoenix (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,3956.0.html)
New Card

Lava Golem (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2597.0.html)
Cost increased from 4 :fire to 5 :fire

Flood / Inundation (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,4467.0.html)
New Card

Abyss Crawler (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2076.0.html)
Cost decreased from 5 :water to 4 :water

Ice Bolt (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2073.0.html)
Cost decreased from 3 :water to 2 :water

Arctic Dragon (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2072.0.html)
Cost decreased from 12 :water to 11 :water

Hope / Upgraded Hope (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,3977.0.html)
New Card

Holy Light / Holy Flash (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2009.0.html)
Heal increased from 5 to 10

Solar Shield (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2010.0.html)
Cost decreased from 3 :light to 2 :light

Elite Pegasus (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2008.0.html)
Attack increased from 3 to 4

Shockwave (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,4182.0.html)
New Card

Fog Shield (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2000.0.html)
Miss increased from 30% to 40%

Improved Fog (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2000.0.html)
Miss increased from 30% to 40%

Firefly Queen / Elite Queen (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2003.0.html)
Cost increased from 6 :air to 7 :air

Elite Wyrm (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1998.0.html)
Attack increased from 4 to 5

Sky Dragon (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1999.0.html)
Attack/HP increased from 12/6 to 13/7

Pharaoh / Elite Pharaoh (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,4039.0.html)
New Card

Eternity (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1944.0.html)
Cost increased from 5 :time to 6 :time

Upgraded Eternity (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1944.0.html)
Cost increased from 4 :time to 5 :time

Golden Hourglass / Electrum Hourglass (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1946.0.html)
Cost increased from 3 :time to 4 :time


Vampire Stiletto (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2196.0.html)
Damage increased from 2 to 4

Vampire Dagger (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2196.0.html)
Damage increased from 4 to 6

Steal (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2195.0.html)
Cost increased from 3 :darkness to 4 :darkness

Improved Steal (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2195.0.html)
Cost increased from 2 :darkness to 3 :darkness

Liquid Shadow (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1464.0.html)
Cost decreased from 5 :darkness to 4 :darkness

Upgraded Liquid Shadow (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1464.0.html)
Cost decreased from 4 :darkness to 3 :darkness


Fractal / Upgraded Fractal (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,3946.0.html)
New Card
information from THIS (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,4049.0.html) thread

Bug Fix:
- Blessing/Dive should now stack properly
- Arctic Squid is treated as rare in the bazaar
- A small green/red light appeared close to the cards in the hand. Players can not play more cards while the light is red, this will prevent several overlapping effects and bugs. When this happened in pvp it also caused desync.
Side effect: players have to wait for all the effects to be resolved.


Auto-mulligan function:
Q - How does it work?
A - If none of the cards in your initial hand can be played during the first turn (none has cost 0) you'll automatically get 7 new cards. Only once.

Q - Am I going to realize a "mulligan" happened?
A - No.

Q - Why can't I decide myself if I want a mulligan?
A1 - People would use it to drastically improve the chances of getting the desired card X in the initial hand.
A2 - It would force me to add an extra turn in pvp games before the game actually starts: more waiting, more questions, more clicking.
A3 - I still want bad/good initial hands in the game. What I do not want is having 8 cards in your hand and having to discard one during your first turn - just too frustrating.

Q - I think it should count the number of pillars instead of the number of cost 0 cards
A - There are pillar-less decks

Q - I strongly prefer the system where I can have a mulligan, but if I get one I'll get less cards and it can be repeated up to 3 times, unless it is a first Monday of the month in which case I can get 2/3 of the cards that my opponent had yesterday.
A - Simple = Better

Q - I played a game where I still could not play any card during my first turn
A - You might still draw 14 cards and no pillars - did you try adding pillars to your deck?
(posted by zanzarino, March 16, 2010, 09:18:39 PM)
Things to mention:
Extra Oracle's tab that says "Card: Yes/No"
Warning saying "No cards left" when zero cards are left

Spoiler for April 03, 2010:
New Cards:

Card Changes:
A few Nymphs got their cost reduced to 8

Bug Fix:


Things to mention:
- Fewer animations while playing the game on "low quality" settings.
- A new info box for the creatures appears while rolling over a card, it shows info that would not fit on the card's thumbnail, like the number of turns left for frozen or delay, mutants, passive skills etc.
- The pvp system is now split in two tiers:
PVP1: Only un-upgraded cards can be used. Upgraded cards in your deck are automatically converted to the un-upgraded version for the duration of the match.
PVP2: No restrictions - costs more money to play - higher reward.
- Dynamic pvp timer: every time your opponent reaches the 1 minute time limit his "turn time" gets 25% shorter. This prevents players from taking one minute per turn.
- A maximum of 3000 stored cards can be saved on the database. If you have more than 3000 cards the game will not save.

Spoiler for May 25, 2010:
New Cards:
-Shard of Readiness

Card Changes:
Toadfish, Chrysaora and Arsenic gained the "poisonous" passive skill
Eating a "poisonous" creature will cause poisoning.

Bug Fix:


Things to mention:
- Codes can be redeemed to obtain tournament prizes and shards from donations.
  The metamorphosis button is gone (metamorphosis can be performed in the "your deck" page)
- Metamorphosis is now free!!!
- The info box is now delayed a few seconds (less cluttering), got a minor re-design and a small number in the middle of the box shows the attack order

-Before this update you had to pay 100 Electrums in order to change your mark

Spoiler for June 19, 2010:
New Cards:
-Steam Machine

Card Changes:
All the dragons, all the air creatures and a few other creatures gained  the passive skill "airborne" and are able to hit a winged elemental
Phase Spider and Flesh Spider gained the ability "web" that will remove the "airborne" skill from the target creature

Bug Fix:

The AI should now be able to use "holy light" on itself even when using a reflective shield.

Things to mention:
- A new script controls the UI and should (hopefully) make the game run much faster and smoother, especially when there are just a few cards on the field.

Spoiler for August 08, 2010:
New Cards:
- Forest Scorpion
- Dune Scorpion
- Deathstalker
- Voodoo Doll
- Nightmare
- Short Bow
- Mindgate
- Chimera
- 12 Pendulums

Card Changes:
- Attack power and HP of creatures are now capped at 499/499
- Shard of Gratitude Cost increased to 3
- Puffer Fish stats increased to 3/5
- Toadfish stats increased to 6/4
- Chaos power adds at least +1/+1 (+5/+5 max).
- Nymph's tears cost decreased to 7 (6 upgraded)
- Titan HP's reduced to 50

Bug Fix:
- The skill berserk was not working in pvp games. It does now.
- Nightfall and Eclipse now should work properly if used at the same time
- Using multiple graveyards/boneyards grants a correct number of skeletons even when creatures die while affected by shields


Things to mention:
- If a desync is detected during a pvp game, a small warning icon is going to appear.
- New pillar's art
- The bazaar and the "manage deck" tools will now show only the image for the last card in the stack, this should improve CPU performance and make a big difference for old/slow CPU's. It might be worth the little loss in details since the cards are almost completely covered anyway.
The maximum Attack power and HP were capped in order to prevent uber Chimeras. Before that, there was no limit for both(there are screenshots with creatures having 10k+ atk)
Also, the maximum HP of the player was limited to 500 to prevent abusing Mindgate(people reached over 5k health with it)
August 13, 2010
New Intro music, written by jmizzle7(Jordan Meister) replaced the old intro music by Justin Carpenter

- Upgraded Permanents now have a glow around them when played.
- Major lag fixed
- Pillars and Towers now have the same images.
Card Changes:
Quantum Pillar|Quantum Tower (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2017.0.html)

Spoiler for Notes:
In 0.41 it´s quanta production was increased from 2 to 3 random quanta per turn
In 1.21 zanz had in mind to reduce the quanta production to 2 and a half quanta per turn
Dagger|Dirk (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2018.0.html)

In 1.21 Dirk´s attack was increased from 3 to 4
Flying Weapon Stats: 2|1(unupped] 4|1(upped)
Short Sword|Long Sword (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2019.0.html)

In 1.21 Long Sword´s attack was increased from 5 to 6
Flying Weapon Stats: 3|2(unupped) 6|2(upped]
Hammer|Gavel (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2020.0.html)

Very early, both versions only dealt 1 additional damage if you had a
In 1.21 Gavel´s base attack was increased from 5 to 6
Flying Weapon Stats: 3|4(unupped) 6|6(upped)
Shard|Shard of Divinity (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2022.0.html)

Back in the past, the unupgraded Shard of Divinity was green, too
Shard|Shard of Gratitude (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2023.0.html)

In 1.25 the cost of the upgraded version was raised from 2 to 3Malignant Cell (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1405.0.html)

Was introduced in 1.17 together with Aflatoxin.
You can´t obtain this card without playing Aflatoxin.
At the beginning, it was called "Cancer Cell" but later on, it was changed to avoid offending people.
Also, it was a Death creature. To prevent Nightfall/Eclipse-Abuse, it became an "Other" creature.
It doesn´t replicate itself, like Deja Vu. It creates a completly new cell.Relic|Relic[/url}

Was introduced in 1.18 to replace Nymphs(and later on Marks) in spins to prevent people from farming Nymphs
Does absolutely nothing - Shard|Shard of Readiness
Short Bow|Long Bow
Amethyst Pillar|Amethyst Tower
Otyugh´s cost was 2
Hammer only dealt 1 more damage for Gravity mark
Nova drained 10 HP but gave 2 of each quanta
Phase Dragon was 13|4-and immortal
Immolation gave 5 fire quanta
Dissipation Shield was a normal shield
Antlion couldn´t use burrow

- Increased HP's for immortals and morning glory
Increased by what?
I know Morning Glory 8|1,raised to 8|4 and I´m pretty sure, Immortal was 4|1/5|1 but what´s about the dragon?
Also, as a side note: the first Phase Dragon was 13|4-and immortal
When was the bug with Ferox fixed?

Other things that should be mentioned:
-FG. How did battling FG changed? How did FG themselves changed?
-in general ai. What decks were added or changed?
-the ai itself. How was it improved?
-stuff like: new pillar art, new upgraded pillars art(with this gloomy circle), the card changes from 1.21(gonna add this anyways) and much more

If somebody knows exactly when which FG was introduced, feel free to post.
Also, it would be great if some people could explain what the bugs were that needed to be fixed.
So, if you know sometinhg about the History of Elements and you´re sure it´s true-help me and post it here!
« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 11:57:20 am by Higurashi »

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Re: The History of Elements https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12215.msg152534#msg152534
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2010, 09:36:37 am »
nice thread..this should be sticky
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Re: The History of Elements https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12215.msg152536#msg152536
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2010, 09:42:01 am »
There is this article on the Wiki :

http://elementswiki.co.cc/resources/card-changes/ (http://elementswiki.co.cc/resources/card-changes/)

But it only focuses on the card changes.

A more complete article on Elements History would surely be a great addition to the Wiki. I support this idea :) You can create it if you want, it will be completed as time goes.
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Re: The History of Elements https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12215.msg152537#msg152537
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2010, 09:44:16 am »
and also, it goes only back to 1.21
added the card changes in v.1.21
added new cards from 1.14
1.15-1.17 got revisited, but 1.17 is not finished yet

Right now, i´m at 1.20

Kael Hate

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Re: The History of Elements https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12215.msg152617#msg152617
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2010, 01:53:53 pm »
- Increased HP's for immortals and morning glory
Increased by what?
These cards used to have 1 Hp each, and where increased to 3|4 and 4 respectively. This was a reaction to Fireshield now being able to damage Immaterial Creatures.


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Re: The History of Elements https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12215.msg152619#msg152619
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2010, 01:59:21 pm »
Had Phase Dragon ever 1 HP?
I remember Immortal having 1 HP, but not Phase Dragon.

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Re: The History of Elements https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12215.msg152622#msg152622
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2010, 02:05:57 pm »
Phase Dragon was 13/4 and mortal.
You may find screenshots in the flashkit forum.

Edit: Oops 11/4 is correct.
Screenshot here (http://board.flashkit.com/board/showthread.php?t=794854&page=12)
I`m teffy, here - and Ringat on Kongregate


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Re: The History of Elements https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12215.msg152624#msg152624
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2010, 02:13:35 pm »
Right now, I´m reading the flashkit thread...96 pages...gonna take some time

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Re: The History of Elements https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12215.msg152680#msg152680
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2010, 05:29:58 pm »
Make it something like a Bible or a book, now that would make me LOL  ;D

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Re: The History of Elements https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12215.msg152712#msg152712
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2010, 06:28:03 pm »
... more cards are ready and will become available soon
Did zanz mean other cards that came in 1.15 or cards that came in 1.16?I believe he meant the remainder of the alchemy cards.
- ... and many other little improvements
What improvements?Minor improvements to the AI and UI, making the game smarter and faster
What´s about an absolut definition for why you can/should link your Elements account with your Kongregate account?So people can play on Kong. This increases knowledge of the game and profit he gets from it.
Some definite informations about the AI would be nice.
- Increased HP's for immortals and morning glory
Increased by what?Not sure about morning glory, but Immortals gained a HP boost.

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Re: The History of Elements https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12215.msg152720#msg152720
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2010, 06:33:15 pm »
Thanks, gonna add that
from reading the flashkit thread, i was able to get some information about 0.4
With the help of a screenshot, i can say which cards were in game by that time-gonna take maybe half an hour or so
...forget that
it´s gonna take some more time...actually, it´s quite difficult to get important information from the flashkit thread

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Re: The History of Elements https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12215.msg152818#msg152818
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2010, 10:37:50 pm »
Phase Dragon was 13/4 and mortal.
You may find screenshots in the flashkit forum.
11/4, actually. 18 Pillars, 6 PU, 6 Dragons was the first "good" deck I built.

Things I remember:

- Pillars used to be 6 per deck like all other cards.
- Nova used to cost 10 HP to cast.
- Dissipation Shield used to be just a generic shield that blocks 1 damage.
- The starter deck for all elements used to be a really stupid deck with 1 of each pillar and 1 of each useless card in an element. It was so pathetically weak that I can scarcely believe it now that I look back.
I think the deck was something like this:
Code: [Select]
4sa 4t3 4vc 4vj 52g 55k 55q 58o 58t 5bs 5c2 5f0 5f1 5i4 5ia 5l8 5lb 5oc 5od 5rg 5rh 5uk 5un 61o 61qDepending on the element you chose, your starting deck would have more cards of that element. Your deck always had one dragon of your element.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.

