Antimatter (ability)

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Quick Facts:

Antimatter is an ability that, for a quantum cost, negate the attack power of the target creature. The resulting creature, with negative attack power, heals the opponent when attacking.

If a Vampire creature is antimattered, the creature heals the opponent and damages its owner.

Using antimatter on a creature that has already been affected by antimatter regain its positive attack power.

Note that creatures with negative attack bypass shields. This is useful when there is a crucial low HP creature that a player may want to prevent from getting killed by Fire Shield or Thorn Carapace, or when a creature with a passive ability such as Venom or Neurotoxin but the opponent shield is preventing the creature from attacking and inflicting the ability.

For example, if the opponent has a 2 defense shield and the player has a 2 attack Scorpion, the player can Antimatter the Scorpion to deal poison counters.