Active skill
The active skill is an ability of a creature or weapon when it is flying. When a creature has active skill it is indicated by a small text under the card along with its cost, if any. Active skill of a creature can be lobotomized by Mind Flayer and Lobotomizer or can be replaced by other skills that remove the original one, unless the creature cannot be targeted.
Accretion is the active skill of Shard of Focus. Accretion is actually a free destroy ability that provides +0/+15 for the shard until its HP exceeds 45, when it turns into a Black Hole.
Air skill is the ability to generating in each turn. Dragonfly | Damselfly has air skill.
Bow is an ability exclusively for weapon Short Bow | Long Bow, which increases the attack power by 1 if the owner has an mark.
Burrow is an ability that renders the creature invulnerable, but halves its attack power. Antlion, Shrieker and Devourer has burrow active skill; however, burrow exists also as passive skill, such in case of Graboid or as a result of Mutation.
Dagger is an ability exclusively for weapon Dagger | Dirk, which increases the attack power by 1 if the owner has a or
Destroy ability makes possible to shatter a permanent for 2 or 3 quanta. Pulverizer has destroy skill.
Earth skill is the ability to generating in each turn. Gnome Rider | Gnome Gemfinder has earth skill.
Evolve is an exclusive skill of Graboid: it can turn into a Shrieker for one .
Fire skill is the ability to generating in each turn. Ash Eater | Brimstone Eater has fire skill.
Guard skill allows the creature to delay target creature for 1 turn (guarding creature is delayed as well). It attacks the target creature unless it is airborne.
Hammer is an ability exclusively for weapon Hammer | Gavel, which increases the attack power by 1 if the owner has a or
When a creature has an infest skill, it makes a copy of itself at the end of every turn. As opposed to deja vu skill, the creature does not lose infest skill once it used. Malignant Cell has infest ability by default, while Singularity may gain this skill as one of its negative effects.
The target creature gains +0/+20 but can not attack or use skills for 6 turns. Auburn Nymph | Earth Nymph has petrify skill.