Now, I'ma let you finish, but these life cards are bitchin' too. (Also: adorable. :3)
Aether is the element of space. Life is the element of life. What do we call life in space?
Aliens. Yea, I know, it's cool.
Aliens have the ability quintessence, but may still be targeted by adrenaline.
Now, earth is the element of burrowed stuff. What do we call burrowed life?
Moles! Yea, I know, it's adorable.
Moles heal you for 1 every time a creature burrows.
Entropy is the element of chaos. Life is the element of life! What do we call chaotic life?
When you play mushrooms, you are given a random amount of healing/poison/healingperturn/poison per turn.
It can give you 1-5 healing, deal 1-5 damage, give you 1-3 poison, and give you 1-3 purify counters. Hooray for magic shrooms!!!!!!!
Now, air is the element of flight and freedom. Life is the element of life. What do we call flying free life?
Flying squirrel!
Flying squirrel may dive, but if it does, it is stunned the next turn.
Fire is the element of fire, burning, and explosions. Life is the element of life. What do you call a living explosion?
Raging Bull!
If raging bull is targeted by either adrenaline or rage potion, it's targeted by both.
Gravity is the element of law, and weight. Life is the element of life. What do we call living law/weight? No silly, not snorlax.
Hippo is a 5|5 for 3, but it only attacks when it /feels/ like it. Hippo has a 50% chance to not attack, a 25% chance to attack, and a 25% chance to attack with momentum.
Darkness is the element of thievery, slickness, and being clever. Life is the element of life. What do we call a living clever sneaky being?
If a permanent is shiny (it's ability isn't used this turn), raccoon has a 5% chance to steal it.
Light is the element of honor, glory, and pride. What is living honor/glory/pride? Why, none other than the lion.
A lion will "defend" a leaf dragon to the death. (all spells that would target a rustler target it instead).
Time is the element of flow, and well, time. Life is the element of life! What do we call living time? Turritopsis nutricula!! (potentially immortal jellyfish)
It can evolve between a quintessenced 0|5 and a 2|2, and back again, for the cost of 1 life to go from 0|5 to 2|2, and a cost of 1 time to go back.
Water is a pretty self-explanatory element. What do we call living water?
Coral reef!
Coral reefs spawn a 1|1 fish per turn.
Lastly, we have life death. The much feared zombie!
When zombies die, they are returned to the top of your deck.
And the series is finished! =)