i think the tournament prizes should be bigger because the tournaments take a while and like that other person said u could make much more farming fgs like 1000 electrum for 4th place is terrible consider ing the tournament took 3 hours it should be more electrum and more rares
I agree with this statement overall. Then again, as things are the point is not to 'farm' a tournament, but to enjoy it.
What you might do is increase the reward magnitude depending on the player count.
So, for up to 16 players: rewards as is. For 17-32 player tournaments, you double the cash and numbers 2-4 get a 'normal' rare (say, a weapon). For 33-64 players, numbers 5,6,7 also get a cash reward.
However, if you want to increase rewards, you might also want to consider sign-up fees. This would probably have to wait until the tournaments are built into the game, but I think having tournaments where you pay a smallish fee (like 100 electrum) and the rewards are substantially bigger might work out.
Last, an idea: how about the following rules for a mono(ish) tournament?
The only upgraded cards allowed are shards
Only one type of pillar; no quantum pillars (but does not have to match your mark).
no nova, no immolation, no mark cards, no nymphs