About feral bond- while I haven't tested this yet, I've theorized that creatures that die during your turn (i.e. due to infection) will no longer count to feral bond, similarly to how hope currently works. The cards that can cause infection are:

virus|retrovirus, plague|improved plague, aflatoxin, grey nymph|death nymph (although afla and the nymph replace it with a malignant cell),

chaos seed, pandemonium,

parasite|bloodsucker, liquid shadow, black nymph|dark nymph,

thorn carapace|spine carapace, and


toadfish (that's 6 elements with access to mass/reusable infection, and others can splash). If I'm right, that's a massive nerf to feral bond, which, frankly, it doesn't need.
As I said, I haven't tested this yet, so I would like someone to check it out (my fail of a desktop isn't really up to the task right now :[) Also, shouldn't feral bond be in the "card changes" board? Or is it there, but my desktop not showing it (which has happened to me before >_>')