Just a quick look at how this study adds up with the info from the spin data-
Healbow: 80.12 sec. / Game, 23.678 electrum / Game.
8 seconds to spin all spins. So, Healbow now takes 88.12 sec. / Game with spins.
Average electrum per Game with spins: 24.25
Electrum/game: 31.62
Total electrum/game average over time: 55.87
In one hour, Healbow can then get 41 games with spins. Therefore, with that many games, Healbow can generate 2291 electrum / hour with spins.
Another way of looking at it, Healbow can get enough electrum in 39 minutes to upgrade a card.
The above is just an example of how important this data can be to people looking to spend their time grinding.