NOTICE: This is a continuation of the old project created by Bloodshadow found here:,7232.0.html (Major thanks and credits to Bloodshadow for starting the project) That said...
Choose the Other card that you wish to be featured next week!
What are Featured Cards?Many other wikis, and Wikipedia itself, have daily, weekly or monthly featured articles. Likewise,
Elements the Game Wiki will have a Featured Card each week.
What's so special about the Featured Cards?Featured cards are voted for by the community each week to receive a publicized article detailing the effects and strategies of the card. Once a Featured Card is chosen, the Wiki Editors and other members of the community will write a detailed analysis of that card, and it will be put on the wiki.
How are the Featured Cards chosen?Each Monday, a poll will be put up in the General Discussion forum. That poll will list all cards in one of the elements, excluding the pillars and pendulums. Each forum user chooses a card in that element they want to know more about. The poll will cycle through the elements

; the poll of the first week will be Entropy, second week Death, third week Gravity, etc.
On Friday-Saturday, the poll will be locked and removed. The card with the most number of votes will be chosen as the Featured Card.
On Saturday-Sunday, a detailed analysis of the Featured Card will be written, and posted on the poll thread as the first draft. The community will read the first draft, comment on it, and post what in the analysis that they think need to be amended or added.
On Sunday-Monday, the analysis will be edited accordingly, incorporating the suggestions given by the community. The final draft of the analysis will go on the wiki.
The following week, the Featured Card and its analysis will be posted on the wiki. A new poll, of the next element in the cycle, will be made in the poll thread.
Featured Card Archive: Those are cards that have been previously featured. They may not be featured again, until all cards have been featured at least once. Cards in this archive will no longer be included in future polls, until there are no more cards left to choose.
EntropyFallen Elf | Fallen DruidAntimatter | Improved AntimatterDiscord | DiscordChaos Seed | Chaos PowerNova | SupernovaMaxwell's Demon | Maxwell's Demon
DeathBone Wall | Bone WallAflatoxin | AflatoxinArsenic | ArsenicSkull Shield | Skull BucklerPoison | Deadly PoisonSoul Catcher | Soul Catcher
GravityOtyugh | Elite OtyughBlack Hole | Black HoleChimera | ChimeraAcceleration | OverdriveSapphire Charger | Elite ChargerCatapult | Trebuchet
EarthGraboid | Elite GraboidEarthquake | QuicksandPulverizer | PulverizerBasilisk Blood | Basilisk BloodIridium Warden | Vanadium WardenAntlion | Elite Antlion
LifeAdrenaline | EpinephrineEmpathic Bond | Feral BondRustler | Leaf DragonMitosis | MitosisThorn Carapace | Spine CarapaceHorned Frog | Giant Frog
FirePhoenix | Minor PhoenixImmolation | CremationFahrenheit | FahrenheitLava Golem | Lava DestroyerRage Potion | Rage ElixirFire Bolt | Fire Lance
WaterIce Shield | Permafrost ShieldNymph's Tears | Nymph's TearsSteam Machine | Steam MachineToadfish | Puffer FishArctic Squid | Arctic OctopusFlooding | Inundation
LightHope | HopePhoton | Ray of LightCrusader | CrusaderSanctuary | SanctuaryLuciferin | LuciferaseGuardian Angel | Archangel
AirFlying Weapon | Animate WeaponFirefly Queen | Elite QueenDragonfly | DamselflyUnstable Gas | Unstable GasWings | WingsThunderstorm | Lightning Storm
TimeGolden Hourglass | Electrum HourglassEternity | EternityReverse Time | RewindGhost of the Past | Ghost of the PastDune Scorpion | Dune ScorpionFate Egg | Fate Egg
DarknessDevourer | PestVoodoo Doll | Voodoo DollLiquid Shadow | Liquid ShadowCloak | CloakNightmare | NightmareVampire Stiletto | Vampire Dagger
AetherFractal | FractalMindgate | MindgateSilence | SilenceParallel Universe | Twin UniverseLightning | ThunderboltDimensional Shield | Phase Shield
Links to each card's wiki articles will be added once the discussion is over.