Here's my entry. Flash crashed before I managed to overflow the int storage capacity with my quanta values, but I was taking screenies periodically in case that happened. So this is the last screenie I took before flash crashed.
Doing some math here. 599 of the cards in my deck were mindgated , all 837 quantum pillars were mindgated. This brings us to 1,436 mindgated cards. Divide by the number of mindgates I may use per turn, and we get the minimum nuber of turns this could have taken as: 240. I can assure you that I didn't have all six midgates from T0 though and I occasionally forgot to use all of them in a given turn.
My screenie shows the following:
- 360K+ Quanta
- 600 Card Deck
- 837 QPillar Stack
- 240+ Turn Game