Heh, finally managed to get a game without timeouts and desyncs.
Anyway, thought anyone can click mindlessly Mindgate/Eternity until forever, so I decided to break some records.
Before you click spoiler, try to think what is the highest number of poison you can get on your opponent before you kill him 

Well the highest theoretical number I can think of is 1603.
If you have 23 voodoo dolls, that's 23 poison per plague. Then your opponent has 23 retroviruses, 17 mindgates (mindgate mindgates and then destroy all towers/other permanents), and 8 plagues in hand. He uses all of the viruses, casts all of the plagues, mindgates 17 more plagues, and uses them all. That's 1104 poison. Then add the 499 we're assuming he has already for 1603.
And we have a winner

Or we would have if that is actually possible in practice. Sadly it isnt

I timed out several times trying to click 23 Retroviruses and 6 Plagues in hand, let alone using mindgate, and other stuff in the same turn. Plague has a very slow animation, and it wont let you click another until first one is done.
I'm also not sure if you'd be able to pack everything needed in the deck. I had 2 60 card decks doing this without PC or Mindgates.
The way I done this was using stalkers and dolls on one side, poisoning as much as healing allowed me to (and this is very dependent on draws). After that, I killed Stalkers with Lightnings to make room for Dolls, and on the last turn set off 23 Retros and 6 Plagues.
If I packed Eternity, I could have got maybe 200-300 more poison with stalkers, but PvP is seriously screwed up. After timing out so many times, I finally settled with this

One deck used arsenic, stalkers, momentums, lightnings, dolls, fractal, skull shield, and couple of SoGs (and needed towers).
Other deck used bonds, ss, sogs, retrovirus, fractal, plagues and poison.
I probably forgot some cards, but thats about it.