Awesome Union, how about luciferanse?
It has been and should always be my practice to carry one luciferin (unupped) in anti FG RoL-Hope decks i utilize. The rationale is as follows:
1. Hand control
a) To give you one more turn if it will not negatively affect your deck ratios significantly
b) To space out cards that clog up your hand a little more, so that fractals are more effective *
2. To add the "generic" effect, ie to be able to cope with more situations, hence making RoL-Hope less one dimensional
a) Defends against gods with lobotomizing effects (Gemini, Elidnis, Scorpio) and gods that can obtain them by stealing elec
b) Where creature slots are few, to generate quanta from light dragons (Ferox, Elidnis)
c) Where creature slots are few, to block over the top damage with light dragons (Paradox, Miracle, growth in general)
* Luciferin burns for one random quanta. This usually does NOT delay you a turn of development ESPECIALLY if you draw the quantum tower early. You may take luciferase instead and run a minute risk of not being able to automulligen with only luciferase in hand.