55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55p 55p 55r 55r 55r 55r 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58q 58q 58q 58q 58s 58t 58t 58t 58v 58v 592 592
He won both coin tosses. Didn't matter, I had more cards in my deck, so deck outs would be won by me.
First game I got a second turn pulvy and a third turn titanium shield, he got like 3 frogs out on his second turn, but the titanium shield stopped them shortly after. Played an oty a couple turns later and just ate all his stuff. He did play a dragon or two, but they were eaten right away.
Second game was a somewhat slow start, but he got a slow start too and I was able to get a pulvy and an oty out on turn three I think. Got a second oty two or three turns later to seal the deal. He managed to play a couple druids but they were several rounds after my oty's. No sweat.
GG dragon, this deck is well balanced and a great counter to life. I don't think there was much you could have done without getting a second/third turn druid.