Great games Rush. That grabbow is a pain in the arse and i consider myself lucky to have beat it. My upped cards made all the difference in the world. Every game he had 2 novas out by his 2nd turn. I ended up playing my pillars pends aggressively (game 2 i played 3 pillars turn one) just so i could get an upped spider out.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52j 52j 52q 52t 52t 52t 542 542 542 542 542 542 5on 5on 713 713 713 713 71a 7n8 7n8 7n8 7n8 8pr
Game 1 (Win) - I won this one on the last turn with 2 HP to spare. If he had topdecked a grabby he would have won. It was pretty slow going as he got a discord out before i could get a wings out. I blasted one of his grabby's with a shockwave just to let him know that in the next rounds he couldn't just leave them out willy nilly. As expected i got a wings blown up but just had enough oomph to eke it out even with his Fog up.
Game 2 (Win) - Another close game. This time he did not get an early discord out but it basically came down to the last turn again. He EQ'd my pillars blew up a wings but when i was at 22 hp with enough damage to kill me in a turn i was able to get out another wings and from there he couldn't do anything with no CC and no more PC.
Game 3 (Loss) - From the start i thought i didn't have much of a chance and i really didn't. Got smooshed pretty badly here. All 3 games my arsenics came out late making me think that they didn't like me.
Game 4 (Win) - So this game i messaged him saying he needed to get a bad draw. So turn one he throws out 3 novas and a grabby first turn and a fog shield 2nd turn. So i'm like
. Fortunately though he did not have a discord or a EQ at the beginning and i was able to get out my wings turn 3 which was HUGE. Basically controlled this matchup at 90 HP with me chaining wings AND i actually had an early arsenic which did a little damage (ended with a 3 poison counter).
General notes - I've had this matchup before where my wings vs discord just failed. This time though having wings upped likely made all the difference along with my upped spiders. Rush6 also had an odd strategy. Every single game i think he actually pulled his purify in his opening hand and played it immediately each game. Otherwise tough matchup and ended up on the lucky side of this battle as i was able to get just enough to win the first 2 games.