Entropy / Re: War #4 - Sportsmanship Award
« on: December 09, 2011, 03:21:43 pm »
Should be pretty easy....just find the 3 people that didn't hate on Entropy this war and our problem is solved

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I mean, do you just go by cointoss or something? I don't remember seeing a ruling on it.Just out of curiosity, what happens if both teams suicide?Warmasters suicide too.
Never been around a tit shield or had your arse up against a bonewall before?I tried to burst through his upped tit shieldWha-?
The other generals should've swapped so that Entropy would fight all the generals.That's funny.....real funny
Yeah, another duel where the results don't reflect how closely matched the decks are.I hear ya Higs, I know I've felt that way about at least one of my matchups this war.