DEMA: Destroy 'EM All! V2.1 (,12700.0.html) (50 games)
Sec/Game: 66.960, Sec/Turn: 10.08, Clicks/Game: 15.90, Clicks/Turn: 2.39, Score/Min: 23.94, Electrum/Min: 26.54
Time overall (min.): 55.80, Score: 1336, Electrum: 1481, Wins: 48, EMs: 29, Losses: 2, Avg ttw: 6.64
2nd bit of testing:
DEMA: Destroy 'EM All! V2.1 (,12700.0.html) (50 games)
Sec/Game: 63.980, Sec/Turn: 10.16, Clicks/Game: 15.96, Clicks/Turn: 2.53, Score/Min: 25.19, Electrum/Min: 28.10
Time overall (min.): 53.317, Score: 1343, Electrum: 1498, Wins: 47, EMs: 31, Losses: 3, Avg ttw: 6.30
So this a little better, but still not as accurate as I would like. DEMA appears to be extremely luck dependent, as I was stalled much less frequently in the second 50 games and received better draws in general. Make of it what you will.